Chapter eight - A new start

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i lost control of my life


Childe and Scaramouche were walking to Scara's house, the ginger one was visibly happy and excited, he was moving out from a toxic household after all.


"Yes, Scara?"

"I apologize in advance for Yae Miko"

"Who's Yae Miko?"

"My mom's girlfriend, she is a huge tease, everything becomes a tease"

"It's fine, I'm sure she's nice Mouche!"

"She is nice, 10% of the time"

Silence, one thing these guys were good, silence, tho it didn't last long. In a short period of time, the two boys found another thing to talk about, gossiping, laughing, telling jokes and all this kind of stuff. Not long after, they arrived.

"Mom, we are here"

"Hey boys! Take a seat! Everything's on the table" Ei said, calmly

"Hello Scara and Scara's little friend" Said the pink haired girl

"Hi Miko" Answered Scara, taking off his shoes

"Hello Miss" Childs said shyly

"What's your name little one?"

"Childe, miss. My name is Childe"

Oh boy Childe was visibly nervous, she was intimidating, scary.

"No need to be scared little one, take a seat"

And so he did, Scaramouche sat in front of him, that way, he could tell Childe if everything was fine just using his eyes, perfect.

It took a little longer than expected, but they started to talk and laugh, telling stories, life related stuff and everything else a human brain is able to imagine. It was a nice dinner, a happy dinner, no fighting, no screaming. Just a family eating.

"Mom" Scara said

"Yes dear?" Ei looked up

"Can I talk to you really quick?"


They got up and went to the front door, so they could have a little more privacy.



"Can we go to Childe's house to get his stuff?"

"There's no problem on doing that, but may I ask the reason for it?

Scaramouche gave her a brief resume of what happened, not using too much detail, just the essential.

"I see, let's go help your friend then! Raiden's to the rescue" Ei joked, Scaramouche laughed.

Sure, this two had problems in the past, luckily they managed to solve dastardly enough and their relationship managed to escape almost intact.

"We are back, let's go?"

"Ei darling, go where exactly?" Miko asked

"Just helping my friend Miko" Scaramouche answered

"I see"

"Thank you, Miss Ei, I really appreciate what you are doing for me" Childe said

"Please, it's the least I could do, now let's go, you have stuff to pack"

"Wait Miss"


"Someone needs to distract my mother, otherwise I won't be able to pack"

"Miko, can you do it?"

"That's my specialty, Ei"

"So Childe, Miko will distract her and me plus Scara will help you pack and put all your stuff in the car"

"Thank you again, I will be eternally thankful"

"We are glad to help you, Childe" Scara said, needless to say that both boys blushed.

"Let's go, we have a mission to complete!' Miko said, exited.

As the four were arriving at the house, Ei parked a little distant from the house and Miko started heading to the front door. While she was walking, the three rushed to Childe's window, hoping to pack the soon as possible.

Now, it was Miko's mission to distract Childe's mother.

Miko rings the house bell, not so long after, a ginger woman opens the door.

"Hello how can I help you?"

"Oh hello, does Childe live here by any chance?"

The woman sighed, cleary disappointed to hear his name.

"He does, why?"

"Oh how rude of me, forgetting to introduce myself first, apologies. I'm Yae Miko, Scaramouche's stepmother."

"I see. Did the devil do anything?"

Miko was thinking on how to drive this woman insane, she hadn't teased anyone that night, right now felt like the perfect opportunity.

"No, I came here to say that I'm impressed by his behavior! He's a true gentleman, you must be very proud of him! And he's dedicated on his studies, what a golden child!"

And that kept going on, Miko teasing Childe's mother and the three packing his stuff.

They were nearly done packing, Childe said he wanted to write a note for his siblings and one for his mother, the two left the room by the window to give him privacy.

It took a little, but he went down the window, the three going to the car like kids, happy they did their part.

Miko say them going and threw and excuse out of nowhere at the woman, quickly going to the car.

"WE DID IT" Scara shouted

"Finally out of this house!' Childe celebrated

"Childe dear, if you ever need anything, we are here for you, alright?" Ei reassured him

"Thank you all"

And they headed to Childe's new apartment, a new start.

To be continued...

A/N: two updates in the same day?? 😟 (miss girl u havent updated this for like a month)

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