Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Emily's POV:

I finally arrived at 10:00 o'clock and the auditorium was already open, while it vastly filled with more and more people. how many people go to NYU? well I guess I'll find out...

I slowly opened the doors and about a hundred head turned my way before turning back to whoever was giving the safety and guidance rules lecture or whatever was going on.

I slowly took a seat in the back next to a girl with the coolest dark blue hair, I wonder if I should say I like it? no that'd be pretty awkward!


She leaned over and whispered.

I was taken aback by her statement. how did she know I liked her hair? that's so freaky!

"Hah. don't get to excited I just saw you staring at my hair for like 5 minutes so either you hate it or love it. I'm going with love cause I rather see the best in people like you then the worst."

My first reaction was 'wow that's a long talk for just a short I like your hair' look.

"People like me?"

People like me? what does that even mean? yes my outfit does look a bit expensive but it's classic... unlike her style of clothes, her style looks more like a mixture of beach lay back, hipster, and vintage.

"Yeah. you know. rich girls who "know it all" and wear these concealing clothing even though you have like a fantastic body."

She said it so nonchalant, like she's done this several times before. has she made the same speech to other girls she finds to look similar?

I sighed and turned back to the person talking. I couldn't really focus. I was to busy thinking about what she said... she thinks I look stuck up? or preppy? or rich even? I'm so confused she made it sound like I was one of the most common kind of person you'd see everyday.

Like she has a right to judge me. she doesn't. ugh.

Blare's POV:

She's nice... but she's a rich spoiled child. I bet she gets strait A's on her middle school AND high school honer roll... I only got in here cuz I got a volley ball scholarship which paid for most of the costs.

I bet she just got in like that. not even a second if consideration it was this school, she could have chosen Harvard, Yale, or even Princeton, well I'm betting so.

I have a gift/curse. I can read people. not like a psychic way but... like they say don't judge a book by its cover but the cover says it all. high attention keeps my occupied and I can barely stand most people knowing what there actually like. most the time I'm right, and when I'm not then there just fakes.


The meeting was over and they said to walk to the front desk and they would hand you your dorm number and room mates names.

I arrived at the desk and got my list...

Dorm room: w832

Room mates:

Blare Deathridge
Emily Diamond
Willow Azalea

Well I have no clue where that room is... here ill ask the speaker.

I walked up to the man who was previously speaking,


I yelled to get his attention from 5 feet away.

He quickly spun on his heels as if he was expecting this.

He looked maybe late 40's to early 50's? he had black hair that was speckled with gray in only random places while he was definitely keeping up his body in the gym for an old guy. you could definitely tell that he broke some hearts back in his day...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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