caregiver problems.

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I started walking to the living room with bill in my arms when i heard a soft growl. I looked at bill and laughed a bit as his stomach growled again and he whined. "Aww...looks like someone's hungry aren't they...?" Bill nodded and i changed my path walking to the kitchen instead. I strapped bill into a highchair and started making a bottle for him. I gave him the bottle and he immediately started drinking it. He finished and smiled deviously as he threw it on the floor. I sighed picked it up and put it on the table before picking him up and walking back to the living room.


Sixer was walking to the living room when my stomach growled. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until now. I whined as it growled again and eagerly nodded when sixer asked if i was hungry. He walked to the kitchen and put me in a highchair then went to go make a bottle for me. Soon he came back and gave me the bottle. I quickly drank it then threw it on the floor. Sixer sighed, picked me up and walked back to the living room where i saw sissy, pinetree, shooting star and Sixers brothe. Sixer put me down and i ran to sissy who picked me up and sat me doen in her lap. I giggled and started watching the tv. Around 20 minutes later i felt something.


I sat on the couch in the living room waiting for sixer finnally he walked in with bill and put him down. Bill ran to me and i picked him up sitting him in my lap. I started watching tv and started gently bouncing bill on my leg. 20 minutes later i was still watching when bill started squirming and whined. I tickled him a bit thinking he was just bored when i felt something wet and he started crying. I picked him up and sure enough he had a large wet spot on his pants. Sixer looked at me and took bill and motioned for me to follow him as he quickly walked to the nursery.


When i learned about Bill's age regression i really didn't think it meant he would have accidents...i was wrong. Mabel, dipper, stan, soos, nicola, bill and i were all watching tv when i heard bill start crying. Nicola looks at me and motiones toward the huge wet spot on bills pants. I take him and quickly walk to the nursery. I motion for nicola to follow me thinking she'll help. Wrong again. Even though she's done this like a thousand times she just stood in the corner of the room, giggling every few seconds. I quickly changed bill then walked back to the living room. Not before shoving nicola and mumbling "thanks for the help." Sarcastically.


I yawned. It had been a long day and i was tired. Sixer had just changed me which was really embarrassing. I mean im 17 and I'm currently wearing a diaper...nvm that i just want to go to sleep. Sixer seemed to read my mind and walked back to the nursery, putting me into my crib and tucking me in. He was about to turn the lights off when i cried out. He put a froggy night light on which seemed to calm me and next thing i know it was morning and sixer was waking me up for breakfast. I giggled and he picked me up. I was fed a bottle then he put me in a playpen.

Btw a special guest makes an appearance in the next part ill give you a hint there name rhymes with zeus.

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