sum good ol knightshade

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Let be honest I'm gravitating towards jaune because I feel he's a bit under appreciated by some people after all a little birdy told me when Monty was coming up with rwby he was planning for jaune and ruby to get together at the end of the first season, anyways that's enough knightshade is hard to make and come by now enjoy the one-shot


The sun was setting over Beacon Academy, casting a warm glow over the courtyard where our favorite group of protagonist are currently passing time. Blake Belladonna, Jaune Arc, Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren were all sitting in a circle, chatting and laughing. It was a rare moment of peace for the students, who had been training hard to become Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Blake couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment as she looked around at her friends. She had always been a bit of a loner, but since coming to Beacon, she had found a group of people she could truly call her own. Jaune, in particular, had become a close friend. She admired his determination and his willingness to put others before himself.

As they talked, Nora suddenly jumped up from her seat. "Hey, let's play a game!" she exclaimed. "I have a great idea."

The others looked at her curiously. "What kind of game?" Ruby asked.

Nora grinned mischievously. "Truth or Dare."

There were groans and protests from the group, but ultimately, they all agreed to play. Jaune was the first to go. "Truth or Dare?" Nora asked.

Jaune thought for a moment before replying, "Truth."

Nora smirked. "Okay, Jaune. Have you ever had a crush on anyone at Beacon?"

Jaune's face turned a bright shade of red as everyone turned to look at him. "Um, well, I guess I did have a bit of a crush on Pyrrha when I first met her," he admitted.

Pyrrha blushed as well, but she smiled at Jaune. "I'm flattered," she said.

The game continued, with each person taking turns to ask truth or dare questions. Blake was relieved when it was her turn to ask. "Yang, truth or dare?" she said.

Yang grinned. "Dare."

Blake thought for a moment before saying, "I dare you to try and balance on one foot for as long as you can."

Yang laughed but stood up and lifted one foot off the ground. She wobbled for a few seconds before falling over, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

As the game went on, Blake found herself drawn to Jaune. She had always admired him, but tonight, she found herself noticing things about him she had never paid attention to before. She liked the way he laughed, the way he listened to others, and the way he always seemed to know just what to say to make her feel better.

As the night wore on, the group began to thin out until only Blake and Jaune were left. They sat in silence for a few moments before Jaune spoke up. "You know, Blake, I've always thought you were one of the coolest people I've ever met."

Blake's heart skipped a beat at his words. "Really?" she said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

Jaune nodded. "Yeah. You're smart, strong, and you don't care what other people think of you. I wish I could be more like you."

Blake felt a warmth spread through her chest at his words. She had never thought of herself as cool before, but coming from Jaune, it meant everything. "Thanks, Jaune," she said softly.

They sat in silence for a few more moments before Jaune spoke up again. "You know, Blake, I've been thinking a lot about us. I know we're just friends, but I feel like there could be something more between us."

Blake's heart began to race as she looked at Jaune. She had never considered the idea of being with him romantically, but now that he had mentioned it, she couldn't get the thought out of her head. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Jaune took a deep breath. "I mean, I like you, Blake. More than just a friend. I know it might be weird, but I had to tell you."

Blake felt a rush of emotions wash over her at his words. She had never thought of Jaune in that way before, but now that he had said it, she realized that she had feelings for him too. "Jaune, I like you too," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

They sat in silence for a few more moments before Jaune leaned in and kissed her. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it sent a jolt of electricity through Blake's body. She wrapped her arms around Jaune's neck, deepening the kiss.

As they pulled away, they both smiled at each other. "I'm glad I told you how I feel," Jaune said.

"Me too," Blake replied.

Just then, Yang burst into the courtyard, interrupting their moment. "Hey, lovebirds, what are you doing out here?" she said, grinning.

Blake blushed, but Jaune just laughed. "We were just talking," he said.

Yang rolled her eyes. "Sure you were. Well, come on, you two. We're all going out for pizza."

As they walked out of the courtyard, hand in hand, Blake couldn't help but feel grateful for her friends. Without them, she never would have realized her feelings for Jaune. And now, with him by her side, she felt like she could take on anything that came her way.


Yeah yeah I can already see sum comments coming about the same setting with a few tweaks to the characters and adding more of em, I know I'm a bit unoriginal........ scratch that a lot no wonder I flunked English 2, well anyways I hope you enjoyed bye bye

 scratch that a lot no wonder I flunked English 2, well anyways I hope you enjoyed bye bye

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