Chapter 2 //Toga

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After Dabi told me his origins and what has happened to him in the last fight against Endeavor, it was my turn to explain what got me into this form.

"About 700 years ago, when the first quirks developed, I was one of the people to get one. Since it was the 14th century, people still believed in black magic and locked me up for being a dark angel like lucifer for hundereds of years, till quirks were eventually spread commonly. Ever since my release, government officials have been looking for me to use my power for being a hero. So I've been hiding in poor apartment complexes and going out at night to avoid people and sunlight. "

Dabi giggleled amusedly, "Why don't you become a villain then?", he asked. I didn't reply, I had no reason to do any harm. I have learned to control my powers enough to be capable of defeating anything if I wanted to, even conquering the world but that's not very fun, cause if you live forever, it gets boring eventually. I rather live a simple isolated life. "I have no reason to be a villain.", I repliedd. "Tch, boring.", Dabi mumbeled.

/It's obvious that he wants me to join him but why would I want to work with such a tasteless villain? He killed a random person without a reason, how stupid./ There was no reason to keep talking to him, I stood up in inted to continue my journey to the store.

"Oi, wait up! U got a phone?", he asked. I gave him an irritated face in response, "Yea, ofcourse.", I replied. Just because I was tecnically old, didnt mean I was a boomer. "Could you give me ur number?", he asked, pouting. /What is wrong with this guy? He just called me boring and now he wants my number./ "Just in case you change your mind.", he added. So we exchanged numbers and I left into the dark alleys to get my damn food.

Dabis pov: I really hoped she wouldve agreed to join us, she didnt move an inch when I killed that bitch, after all. Besides, she wasnt bad looking and good use for the league, as soon as the boss turned immortal, she was a perfect match for defeating all heros. I had to tell shigaraki about her. I could my feel a sudden pain in my chest, /Huh, am I having a heart attack? Why does my chest hurt? Best if I lay down for a second./ I was practically homeless anyway and this place seemed safe enough to take a rest at.

y/n's pov: I took a glance at my phone, 5am. With grocery bags on both hands, I had to hurry up to get home before sunrise. On the way back, I wanted to check the spot Dabi had murdered the woman at, just to check if her body was still there.

When I got to the alley, I saw Dabi laying in the same spot we had talked an hour before. /Is he asleep?/ Indeed, he was asleep. He was a villain, so probably homeless. I wouldnt've usually done this but I went up to him. "Wake up.", I whispered. "What do you want? Cant a homeless guy get some rest?", he murmured. "I'm taking you home, get up.", I replied. Theres no way I could just let him rot on the floor, he wasnt too bad of a person after all.

After some dragging, we had made it to my appartment before sunrise, gladly. It was small and full of trash and anime stuff. Instead of lights, I had LEDs everywhere, all in neon colors. "I never expected the Angel of Darkness to be such a weeb.", Dabi mumbeled. "Stop complaining, you should be grateful for me even letting you stay here."I said, "My bedroom is over there, look around and sleep where ever, just stay away from my energy stash." He nodded.

Love wins in the end // shigaraki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now