Part 31

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I looked at the empty portraits and sighed. Those four were no help as soon as Ranrok was defeated.

I felt used by them. I still had questions about my magic. And I never even found out how I was able to get this magic out of everyone else.

I took one last deep breath and pulled open the door to go down to the repository. As I pulled it open there was a musty heavy gust of wind the blew past me as if it had been trapped down there.

The echo of my footsteps on the stone as I walked seemed even louder. Maybe it was because I knew I shouldn't be down here. Or because last time I was down here it was more of a life or death situation and I hadn't noticed the volume.

Another earthquake tumbled as I walked into the giant cavern that housed the repository. This time it was so strong that, if a wall wasn't there to catch me, I would have fallen over.

I wonder if it's stronger because I'm closer or because it's actually gotten strong since the last shake.

I looked up at the repository. It pulsated a very angry red and seemed to be spinning a bit. I could feel my head hurt and I suddenly wasn't able to look away.

I was self conscious of my breathing as it seemed to quicken the closer I got to the repository. With my wand ready I meant to cast a spell to reseal it. But I couldn't control my body. I wanted to scream at myself to stop.

My wand reached out to touch the repository in slow motion before a familiar hand reached out and pulled my wrist back turning me to face them.

Sebastian was sweaty and out of breath. "I.. I told you. Not alone."

I blinked a few times trying to get ahold of the situation. "Sebastian? How did.."

"I Can aparate as well. I've been to the map chamber before, remember?" His hand was still firmly on my wrist.

"I could... I could do it." I muttered.

"I love you, but I don't think you can." He smiled softly as he touched my cheek. "You will be. But let's not rush into it."

Sebastian started to pull me away from the repository when there was a loud explosion back in the map chamber.

If I was still under any trance that definitely knocked me out of it. Sebastian and I ran back into the map chamber to see a giant gapping hole where the entrance once was.

"Oh no.." I muttered as my father stood at the top of the debris. His hair was a mess and he looked disheveled. He had an almost crazy look in his eye as he smiled wildly at us.

"Finally you did something useful." He called to me as I moved so that I was between him and Sebastian.

Not really for Sebastian's safety, but I knew if Sebastian got started I probably couldn't stop him

"You brought me to the ultimate power source." He had his wand out and I thought he would use it on us but he walked up and patted my shoulder. "Good job, Ava."

The small child locked away in me was happy to finally hear a parent say those words to me. But the me now knew I had to put an end to my own father.

"You can't go down there." My fathers head spun as he gave me an evil look.

"What did you say?" His face started turning red.

"It's sealed. Only a keeper can re open it." Sebastian yelled from over my shoulder.

"All the keepers died." I sorta lied. They never said I was a Keeper.

I should have known my father would be smarter then that.

He glanced at both of us before yanking my collar and holding his wand to my throat. Both Sebastian and I froze.

Sebastian was furious which only made my father smile. "Wands drop them. Both of you."

I sighed and dropped my wand. What my father couldn't see is I mustered up a bit of ancient magic and suddenly my wand zipped into its place in my pocket.

Sebastian dropped his wand on the floor still giving my father a look that would kill a man.

"Good, Depulso" Sebastian's body slid back across the map chamber till he was against the wall. "Stay there. Come along, Ava."

I tried reaching for Sebastian but was dragged away toward the repository.

"I always knew you'd be the best of my children." My father must love hearing himself speak.


"I'm serious. You are so powerful. Definitely a La Fey." He gushed in French.

"You called me a disappointment about a month ago."  His grip on my collar tightened almost choking me a bit.

His eyes got wide as he looked at the repository floating above in the cavern. For some reason him being there made my draw to the magic lessen. He shoved me in front making me land on my knees, scrapping them.

"Open it." He commanded still in French.


He pointed his wand at my head without looking away from the repository. "Open it now."

"You made me drop my wand..." I slyly made sure it was still in my pocket.

"Use your ancient magic."

"That's not.. how it works." He smacked me in the back of the head with his wand.

"Just figure it out, I heard about a specially made wand you used to create the new repository."

"I destroyed that." That was true. I had no interest in ever opening it. I snapped it and threw it away.

I could tell my father was no longer having patients with me when he threw his wand at my head.

"Open. It."

I picked up his black wand slowly lifted it.

Fucking idiot.

I spun around and pointed the wand at him smirking. but when I did Rookwood was already next to him smirking back.

"When did you-"

"Listen to your father." Rookwood sighed, cutting me off.

I rolled my eyes and faced the repository. Using my fathers wand I began to use ancient magic to open it.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Everyone seemed to freeze to see who was hit. I heard a body slump to the ground making me look over my shoulder.

Sebastian looked angry as Rookwood's body laid crumpled on the ground.

The wand that was in my hand zapped back to my father as he pointed it at Sebastian. I revealed my wand and pointed it at my father.

"Did you open It?" Sebastian asked.

"I started to but I think it's still-" there was a loud crack sound from behind me and the three of us turned to look.

Repository had cracks along the side of it.

"Fuck," I sighed just as it exploded open.

Everyone flinched and shielded themselves as the magic bursted out. I quickly used any ancient magic I could and caught and tried to stop it.

"Ava! Don't. Don't do it!" I could hear Sebastian yelling from somewhere behind me.

"I can't let him have it!" I screamed before taking a deep breathing and taking in all the dark ancient magic.


Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now