💚My father's too kind and sweet🌸🪷💚

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No one's p.o.v: the sun was rising up and people were waking up doing their morning routine's izuku was in the kitchen talking to the chef and dabi was bathing Haru and diko I mean Haru was vary dirty so he needed a shower shigaraki was arguing with his butler and Dabis butler was helping him with the two kids a few hours later

Dabi p.o.v: Haru you ready I asked I don't like the clothes you made me wear he said...sorry buddy but there's no other clothes so you had to at least get dressed and plus you don't look to bad in it I said mhm whatever he answered alright let's get going now I said and held his hand I-I'm still scared he said I told you it will be alright okey I said fine he answered and I started walking downstairs when I got there izuku was talking to the chef hey izu got a minute I asked oh toya he said of course I have a lot of time he said walking towards me good now come on let's go somewhere quiet I said pointing the middle finger to the chef and he glared at me with an angry expression hey toya what's the finger for! He said angrily it was for tenko I said alright he answered oh toya who's that kid he asked pointing at Haru my niece hey Haru about you introduce yourself I asked and he just looked at me nervous okey fine anyways I said izu you may be confused and will he shocked I said why he answered just Haru you won't like hearing adults talk so how about you go sit over their and wait for a few minutes I said and he nodded going to sit on the couch so his names Haru...Haru yamazaki...midoriya I said and I could see my brother was shocked b-but the only p-person h-here with that last name..is me he said and tears started steaming down his face don't cry I said I don't believe it he whispered loud enough for me to hear toya he s-said that he was dead v-gone forever my brother said and started crying a little harder like I said don't cry I said I never gave him a name never got the chance too he answered I know now shh I'm sure everything will soon be alright I said and started stroking his back now now don't cry and go say hi I said okey he answered and whipped his tears away toya just leave your going to make it awkward he said so I left

Haru p.o.v: I saw my uncle leaving I was kinda scared to be alone to be with my father he walked up to me and started looking at me until tears fell down his face and he fell on his knees holding my hands crying H-Haru I missed you so much he said...I gave no answer I-I'm sorry I left you even got my eyes and your fathers hair he said and started crying even harder I-its alright f-father I said and he looked up at me with a bright smile and held my cheeks I never even got to name you...who gave your name he asked uh auntie Aki we were born on the same day and year so when I was three she gave me my name he answered you got your name at three...why he asked grandpa was too busy so yeah I answered he sighed it's okey I'm glad your okey he said and got up well wanna meet your other uncle he asked is he just going to ignore the fact that he was crying two seconds ago? anyways he held my hand and started walking to where a blue haired men was shouting at someone tenko? My father said oh izu there you are now what is it the blue haired man said meet my son Haru my father answered oh yeah that dude well it's nice to meet you buddy he told me and I just looked at him I mean I couldn't say anything without my father permission Haru say hi to him he asked h-hi I answered his cute my uncle said i know I have a cute son and now that I'm old enough I can take care of him he said no your not old enough your only 16 and still can't handle a bee my uncle said hey shut up my father said Haru let's go your uncles to mean my dad said walking away so I followed him hey Haru my dad said hm I answered what did father do to you he asked I was scared to answer but he was my dad so I had to tell him so he asked uh nothing really I answered Haru you gotta tell me or else I might not be able to help he said in a soft voice

Izuku p.o.v: i was really worried about my son but he looked to scared to answer uh h-he mostly b-brings older men t-to...do stuff to me he answered they raped you I asked and he nodded oh my isn't this all my fault I thought to myself Haru I'm sorry you had to go through that but now I'm here alright I said mhm he answered good now what do you wanna do I asked I d-don't know he said has how about you go to your uncles room since he knows more about kids I said a-alright he said alright bye Haru I'll meet you ...uh whenever I said and I heard him chuckle a little so cute I thought I'm really happy that I got to meet my son but mad at my father for abusing him why was father doing that he never did that to me and my brothers but why my son and siblings I should ask him when he gets back I thought

Dabi p.o.v: as I was in the playroom with my younger siblings the door opened for me to see my niece oh hi Haru how did it go? I asked while getting up and walking towards him it was okey but...I have a question he said sure what would it be I said w-why is..my f-father so cc-cute he said blushing out of emb1arrassment it made me chuckle oh Haru that's easy his always been kind and cute it's pretty obvious why his the favourite it's because his to kind he won't think before he acts and he'll always apologize for anything I said t-that makes sense he answered with a soft voice well Haru mind playing with us I asked yes he answered why though I said giving him a questioning look I want us to go back in the room..he said with a sad face making me nod alright fine but next time play with your aunties I said alright he said and held my hand I wonder why he love's holding my hand so much but I'll ignore it I thought and started walking to my room when I got there I found my brother touching my phone what are you doing? I said making him jump oh brother it's you well I wanted to call papa cause I miss him he said well you can't I said oh please big brother he asked agh I can't let you what if his busy I said haul fine he answered so I walked towards him and picked him up now done be mad at me this is not my fault I said I'm not mad he said good I answered now what do you guys want to do I asked uhh hm...let's play outside he said alright is that alright with you Haru and he nodded good now what game should we play out there I asked soccer!! They both said soccer you said a girl said I looked at the door to find Aki my sister them looking ready to go out Aki you wanna join us for soccer I asked heck yeah she answered walking downstairs so I grabbed Harus arm and starting walking out in the backyard following Aki of course the place is bigger then last time when I last saw it but fancier and way more luxury hey Aki? I said yes toya she answered how do you remember your way here I asked I don't really know I only know most of the places there's more stories up there but father said his still thinking on what to put up there she said in a curious yet confused voice and look how cute I swear I have the cutest siblings of all times as we stepped outside my brother started wiggling out of my arms brother can I get down now he asked sure I said letting him go down alright you guys ready to play I said yeah! They yelled

No one's p.o.v: as dabi played and spender time with some of his siblings it started raining so they went back inside they were talking and getting to know each other which was great until the phone started ringing so dabi got up and picked up it was their father he said that he would be back early when the kids heard that they hurried to get changed

Dabi P.O.V: as they got dressed I was even more mad at him he abused half of his family but at the same time I'm scared as well my siblings were abused by you how could you i thought i sighed and set down waiting for him a few minutes later the door opened and a butler opened the door greetings master the butler said bowing down and he flinched but my father placed his father walked in the house being greeted by the maids chiefs and even more butlers just by looking at my father I felt rage flowing in my body he looked at my siblings and then his mood changed as he started walking closer to Haru i could see my brother clenching his fist hard who gave you permission to come out he asked but Haru was to scared to answer my father moved his hand to Haru making him flinch but I was a little surprised that my father didn't hurt him instead my father placed his hand on Haus shoulder you do know I obsoletely hate It when your quiet right.....? my father said I-I apologize....? my nehu said silently my father then sighed and looked towards my way I heard you wanted to talk right...? he asked so I looked at him and we made eye contacted It gave me chills through my spine yes I needed to have a chat with you...privet I said alright give a minute to prepare myself and meet me upstairs on the forth floor in my office he said with A grin making hesitate alright I said and he left and went upstairs pebbly to get a shower or bath I looked at my poor nehu and he was trembling with fear and I could tell tell that he was also tearing up so I got up and walked towards him and bent down i placed my hand on his face shh It's alright now please don't be afraid...I said trying to calm him down I-I'm sorry uncle.! he said in a vary yet terrified shaking voice don't be sorry you should never be sorry Haru i heard my brother say behind him I'm vary sorry father please forgive me I'm really sorry.....! don't be even your dad said now stop crying that would make both of us happy I said okey he said with the cutest hiccups good how about you stay with your father since I got to go I said and got up and started walking upstairs

We're back after yearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz