Chapter 1

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You were a 14 years old girl, nothing out of the ordinary, you were a calm and caring girl, and an independent one. You were an overly achierver tho, but no one, not even your parents especially your mom appreciated anything you've done, except your little brothers. They were sweet and caring and the most handsome brothers in your eyes, you wanted to give them all you could ever give. But...all the money you earned goes to your mother... sometimes you wonder if you could just murder her or something. You hated her guts all she cares about is her social image and her bullshit. You would often fantacise about her being dead. But that wasn't entirely possible or is it?. You work at a local restaurant near your school you had to get a job to do groceries and some extra money for your allowance and your wanted to leave this house when you turn 18 as soon as possible. You didn't want anything  to do, with your parents money, the money they were giving was for you brothers and only them. Your life turned so bad because of your mother you hated everything about her, because she was an abusive neglecting shit, anything she does makes your blood boil. And the worst part she was taking everything out of your youngest brother,  she just didn't seem to care about anything other than her self and her fucking social image you hated it. You wanted her dead. Your relationship with your siblings was not the best but definitely was not the worst, you had each others back. Liu the second child, he was a independent kid and was always your study buddy when it comes to school, he makes you laugh, and you would often take care pf them. While jeff barely talked, ever since you moved in this town, things about started to change. You were concerned every passing day. You'd see bruises even cuts, black eye, but he didn't say anything. He kept quiet shutting his bedroom door. You would often ask him what was wrong but he'd shut you off, and doesn't talk to Liu and you for days. Both of you were concerned, worried what was going on. But you knew Liu knows something. Your parents was a very absent parents, physically and mentally. They'd come home and just lock their room and do their work. but sometimes... sometimes they hang around. But that wasn't good either, your father was kind-hearted and sympathetic man unlike your mother, he would often apologize when he didn't took your side, but you would often shrug him off. You did hate him for not defending his child always taking your mother side even when she's clearly wrong.  And your mother...... she was the worst. She was a neglectful, uncaring, snobbish, selfish, greedy, arrogant, and strict mother who shows no sympathy for Jeff and doesn't care about him at all but instead constantly berates him and treats him very harshly while only caring more about her social life than her own family.  And when around neighbors, she puts on kind facade but only for her own needs and doesn't truly care about them. Even if one of her kids got hurt, she doesn't show any remorse or emotions. You just want her to be gone.


You were at the restaurant working as a waitress, you had to deal with people yelling complaining about you, not bringing the right food, even tho it was their order. You weren't a very patient person so sometimes you would go off and it would go out of hand. You then got the plate that was order on number 56 as you hot there you gave them a smile and handed them the food. "Here's your food, can i get you anything else?" You spoked calm and softly, you didn't want to come out rude or mean to this people. They then looked at you for a brief moment, you felt very uncomfortable, "Young lady... aren't you a bit too young to work?" The lady stated, while looking at her concerned, "Oh..well...just earning extra money i guess..." You awkwardly laughed and gave them a smile, "Really? Your parents must be lucky days children would just be on their phones..." As you heard the old lady said that your body tensed up, you greeted your teeth as, you clenched your apron. "Yeah very lucky..." You stated, the old women then turned to an older guy must be her husband. "What are you waiting for?! Give her a tip! Moron!" She stated, the other guy flinched amd got to his wallet pulling out a 5 dollar bill, he handed it out to you, you wanted to refuse it but you needed it, you then grabbed it gently and thanked them. Few seconds later someone called out to you "Y/n! What are you doing!? Come here there's no time to waste! You stupid child." Miss melinda shouted, she was like a mother to you, yeah she may call you names but she adores you, and you were his favorite waitress. As she called out you immediately grabbed the order and went to the table number. It was a man, he looked really rude and you suspected he was going to be disgusting or some pedophile again. As you placed the food on his table, that he ordered, he looked up at you and had a big grin on his face, Oh god..."Hi there~" as you suspected he was indeed a sick pedo. But you had to greet him because it was your job. You weren't an entertainer but here you are! You put on your sweet smile at him " you need anything else?" You replied to him, he looked at you up and down, as he licked his lips, you felt disgusted, "why don't you sit right next to me? Little girl." He then gave you a grin. You chuckled, 'Fucking creep' you thought "unfortunately...sir. I can't i have work." You replied, "Oh come on...they wouldn't mind..." He persist, "No sir i need to go..." Before he could say anything, you walked away and went to table counter to go get the orders. As the night went by your shift was almost done. One more costumer. You got the persons order and went to the order number, you saw it was some scater dude there was 3 of them. You grunted and rolled you eyes this is going to suck. As they laughed, chewing thwir bubblegums loudly, you approached them with you same old smile and brought them their food. "Anything else?" They turned their head on you, and smiled, "well aren't you a cutie..." They compliment, you laughed awkwardly.."Please kill me" you thought, "thanks..i guess.." you replied, one of them then suddenly spoke, "Wait... I've seen you before... aren't you Liu's sister?" The other slightly gasped, "Wait that dork has a sister?" The other one spoked, the one besides him nudge him aggressively, " your mouth will yah?" You sternly replied, "Are you stupid!?" The guy whusper yelled to him, "I-i'm sorryy...are you really?" He asked, "Yes i am, is there any problem with him?" You asked, giving him a stern look. "Nothing! Nothing..." He stated, you raised you eyesbrow and scoffed, as you walked away you heard them arguing "Are you dumb?! Why would you say that!?" "I'm sorry! Ok!? I didn't know! Dude stop hitting me!" "Sometimes i wonder what's going on inside that head of yours!" "I said i was sorry jeez!" "You know she's in our school right? Dipshit." You chuckled at their conversation, and went to go get your things, to go home.

"Come home..." [Creepypasta] [Siblings Au]Where stories live. Discover now