#100 Your passion

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I can't believe it. This is my 100th preference. I've been doing this since 2021 and I just want to thank you all so so much in advance again and again I love you all and I hope you are all having a great day and being patient with my slow updates. Again, thank you.

This has been an incredible journey. I still can't believe that this story has over 10,000 reads and now 100 preferences. I hope that I can keep doing these preferences for you guys for the years to come.

This started as a hobby and it still is. I love making these preferences. I didn't think I would get this far or even get any reads.

If I told my 2021 self that this story would get a lot of reads, I don't think that 2021 me would believe me. Maybe I would, who knows?

Anyways, let's get to the preference!

Louis (Age 5): Your passion has always been soccer.

Ever since the age of 3, you loved to watch soccer matches on tv and wanted to play on a team.

And then one day, your brother signed you up for a soccer team and you were over the moon.

"Thank you thank you!" You said and hugged your brother.

"Your welcome!" He said.

That day, you went over to the soccer field and made yourself and your brother proud.

And then after practice, you two went out for ice cream.

Zayn (Age 17): Ever since your brother became a part of one direction, you had a passion for music.

You were only about 3 at the time.

But almost 13 years later, you were destined to become a singer.

Your brother was very supportive of you and your friends and your family are as well.

You were happy that you were surrounded by lots of love and support.

They encouraged you to do your best and never give up.

You never gave up on your music passion because it was a huge part of your life.

Everyone knew it.

You were offered a gig and you took it even though you were a bit nervous.

Once you got onto the stage, there were cheering fans and you saw that everyone you loved was in the front row.

"Hello everyone, my name is y/n Malik. I will be doing she's kinda hot by 5 seconds of summer." You said.

You performed it and you were shocked by the people who were cheering and clapping.

You knew that you were not gonna give up on your dream no matter what.

Liam (Age 6): You always loved ballet and you wanted to be a ballet dancer and perform for thousands of people on stage.

And today was the day.

You got your ballet shoes and met Liam in the car and he drove you to the place.

There was your coach and your ballet team when you arrived.

"Y/n, if you get stage fright, just picture everyone in their underwear." Liam said.

You laughed.

"But good luck!" He said.

"Thank you!" You said.

He smiled.

You tried your best that day and you had a lot of fun.

And you and Liam went out to go get pizza.

Niall (Age 11): You were always interested in modeling.

And your family was always supportive.

You always saw models on tv and you wanted to be one 1 day.

And that 1 day was today.

"Y/n, I have a surprise for you!" Niall said.

"What is it?" You asked.

"You have a modeling gig!" He said.

"Oh my gosh!" You said. "For real?"

He nodded.

"Yes for real!" He said.

You hurried into the car and he smiled and followed you.

He drove you to the modeling place and you were very excited.

You tried your best and they said that you did a great job.

You knew that you were gonna become a model one day.

Harry (Age 18): You loved writing.

You've been writing for as long as you can remember.

Now you started to write your own story about your brother's band.

"Y/n, what are you writing there?" Harry asked.

"It's a book about you and the lads." You replied.

He was shocked but then got tears in his eyes.

He hugged you.

He knew about your writing passion and he had always wanted you to make a book and you did it.

You were gonna make him proud.

And he already was proud of you.

A month later, you published the book meaning that you never gave up on your dreams.

Also, never give up on your passion, and do not let anyone get to you. Always be proud of yourself. You are in control of yourself and no one else should be. You are you.

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