Waffle, Joe and Walrus's Special Day

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Waffle and joe had just woken up, they both got out of bed and then decided to go out to the park.

They played unicorn for a bit.

Waffle was pretending to use their magical flying and rainbow ratty rat powers and then something happened

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Waffle was pretending to use their magical flying and rainbow ratty rat powers and then something happened... the powers actually worked!

Joe gasped, then she decided to try to see if she had magical illegal banana powers!

She huffed, and she puffed.. and she blew the playground down with her magical banana beam!

Joe and Waffle went to a private park to practice their powers. Then they called up Walrus and told her to meet them with a unicorn costume at Grassy Rass Poopy Rainbow Park on Poo Rainbow avenue. 

She finally came, all dressed up.

Waffle and Joe said hi

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Waffle and Joe said hi.

Joe ->

Waffle ->

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Waffle ->

Joe and Waffle explained what happened, then they asked Walrus to try and see if she had walrusy powers

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Joe and Waffle explained what happened, then they asked Walrus to try and see if she had walrusy powers.

Walrus tried to aim at a bush, and she flooded it with her walrusy powers!

They all lived happily ever after with their unicorn powers and to this day, they used their powers to murder those greasy rude ass 7/8th graders and weird boys in their class who have rude personalities.

The end.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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