Tribes of Revurisio

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EseriaWings (ess-ear-ee-a)

Desc : Generally tall dragons, furry manes and tail tips. Large wings with patterns usually representing fire, or ice. Scales down neck are usually diamond-shaped, and can glow depending on how angry an EseriaWing is. Scales are usually blue or red, and shades of those colors.

Abilities : At hatching, they are powerless. Markings of either fire or ice will determine the power they get at age one (1). Fire powers are fire breath, firescales similar to the SkyWing legends, and weak fire manipulation. Ice powers are frostbreath, icescales similar to the IceWing legends, and weak ice manipulation. 

Queen : Queen Llavosa (La-voh-sa)

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DreapioWings (dreh-pe-oh)

Desc : More so medium height, wings attatched to wrists instead of shoulders. Shorter, thicker tails which have a floating orb at the end that glows brighter depending on a DreapioWing's physical pain. Scales are usually of the sage green and stormy blue color.

Abilities : Sleeping gas that smells like sweet flowers can be excerted from the mouth and tail orb, thrity percent (30%) chance of getting a rhino horn-like stinger on snout that is poisonous. 

Queen : Queen Trevi (Treh-vee)

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VewaryiWings (vee-wor-yee)

Desc : The smallest of the three tribes, known for their bird-like feathers and wings. Wing membranes are always white, and patterns can be created on them at will of the VewaryiWing. Scales are usually lighter colored, all VewaryiWings have at least on black marking similar to the HiveWing legends. Have the smallest tribe population.

Abilities : Feathers can light on fire at will, hence making VewaryiWings fireproof, this has a downside of when a VewaryiWing feels too strong of an emotion they light on fire immedeatly. Feathers can change colors, but it takes alot of energy to camoflauge completely, leaving some VewaryiWings unconcious after being camoflauged for too long.

Capain : Captain Everine (Eev-reen)

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Acorn(Author) : I'm so excited to write this but terrified at the same time :skull:

-Published April twenty-third, Sunday, 2023, at 2:32 PM CT  (4-23-2023)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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