Y:- Year

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Riley's POV

It was new year and we were all going round to Tiffany's for a party. I put on a pair of jeans and nice-ish top because I wasn't really impressing anyone. Emily still wasn't speaking to me and she refused to drive me, so I had to walk.

I was nervous about going because in knew there was going to be alcohol. I was only 16 so I wasn't going to be drinking though.

I walked into Tiffany's street and I could see lights and hear loud music coming from her house. I walked up to her door and, once I realised it was open, walked in. I breathed a sigh of relief when saw only A-Troupe. I thought there was going to be a lot more people, knowing Tiffany.

I slowly made my way over to the corner of the room, where I saw Chloe and Michelle standing.

"Hey Ri." Michelle said.

"Hi." I reply.

"Guess what? Your bae is coming." Chloe giggled. I rolled my eyes.

Ever since I had told Chloe and Michelle about my crush on James, they had started calling him my bae.

"Ha ha, funny guys. But is he actually coming?" I asked trying not to sound excited.

"Knew you'd be excited to see him." Michelle smirked.

"I'm not excited to see him. We haven't seen him in ages so it's going to be nice." I lied. Of course I was excited to see James.

"Uh huh, is that why you're blushing." They both laughed. Damn! Why did they see that?

I was about to reply when someone wrapped their arms around me from behind, and spun my around.

"Hey stranger." I recognised that voice

I turned round. "James!" I squealed hugging him. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"I know babe. I've kinda missed you." He said. I rolled my eyes when he said 'babe.' He always called my that so I was used to it.

"So how's the math coming along?" I asked, hoping he had improved.

"It's getting better, I'll hopefully be able to re join A-Troupe soon since you haven't found someone amazing to replace me yet." He told me.

"I..." I was away to speak when I was interrupted by Eldon and West.

"Bro. We haven't seen you in ages." West said as him and Eldon dragged him away to catch up.

When I turned back around to speak to Michelle and Chloe, they had disappeared. I looked around, spotting them over by the drinks.

"Guys you aren't drinking are you?" I asked worriedly.

"Of course we are silly." Michelle replied.

"Guys you're only 16 and...." I started.

"Ri, you need to loosen up." Chloe interrupted.

I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

A few hours later, most of A-Troupe were drunk, well except for me.

I walked out the back door and sat down on the grass. It was silent until I heard footsteps. The person sat down next to me.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" The person asked.

"James, you're not drinking are you?"

"Nah, unless this is alcohol." He laughed pointing to his coke can. "But no I'm not drinking, I have to drive home so..."

"I see." I replied.

"So, are you going to answer my question? What are you doing out here by yourself?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"Everyone's drinking, except me so I felt like I wasn't wanted. That's why I'm here." I told him.

"Well I'll stay here and keep you company." He said smiling at me. "Look it's nearly new year." He pointed to the screen on his phone.

"Hopefully next year will be better than this one." I muttered.

"You mean this year." He laughed.

"We're still in this year. We still have 2 minutes left." I corrected him.

"Did you know that you're supposed to kiss someone at exactly 12 on new year." He smirked.

"I'm pretty sure that's not true." I told him.

"Well I think it's true." He argued. "But I know you're just saying because you're trying to deny that you like me. But I know you do."

"I don't like you." I lied and he smirked.

"Kiss me." He said.


"Kiss me and tell me you don't feel anything for me." He said.

"What?" I asked again.

"Just do it Ri.. We have 10 seconds left. Let's start the new year with a bang." He whispered, leaning in.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3......." I heard people shouting.

I leaned in, and we both kissed slowly. I heard the fireworks from people celebrating the new year but I continued to kiss James, seeing my own fireworks.

We kissed for what felt like forever until we were interrupted.

"Ooooh so what's happening here then?" It was West.

We pulled away and I hung my head in embarrassment.

"Erm.... nothing." I muttered hoping he wouldn't here.

"Well just so you know, he really likes you Riley." West laughed. I looked at James, who was sitting there smirking at me. West went back in leaving us still sitting on the grass.

"So are you going to say that you don't feel anything for me." James whispered, leaning in so his face was next to mine.

I didn't say anything but kissed him again.

"I knew you liked me." He mumbled against my lips.

"Oh shut up you." I mumbled back.

A/N: sorry this isn't good. But I tried😔

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