can you guess? thats right. first day of highschool

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y/n tossed her long brown hair over her shoulder.

 she looked in the mirror at her -12983498374 inch waist. y/n wasnt like other girls. 

she heard her stepmom calling from downstairs. she lived with them because 9 months before she was born her parents died in a car crash along with their dog, cat, lizard, fish, other fish, bat, horse, cow (oh wait that was me😝) , other fish and her dignity. UwU (oohhh nooo poor y/n 🥺)  

she tossed her 1ft tall body into an oversized jumper and bike pants. 

she walked downstairs to her stepmum who even tho she hates her made her an entire breakfast. y/n picks up a slice of toast like a little bitch like even tho her stepmum made an entire breakfast she's eating one slice of toast. 

"wait y/n i sold you to one direction even tho i just made you this whole ass breakfast." y/ns's stepmum called to her. "n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no! UwU!" y/n Stuttered as she heard the front door open. stuttering is one of her many quirks. bc she's goofy. (oohhhh noo y/n stawp gurl 😜)  

"im here to pick up y/n." harry styles said

"nooooo mummmmm why would you do thisssss to meeeeeeee whyyyyyyyy stooooppppppppnooooo mummmm whyyy would you sell meeee is it because i took one slice of toast of that amazing breakfast?" UwU  

y/n's dogshit coloured orbs started to water as she calmly got into harry styles car like a fucking weirdo what the actual fuck.

------time skip to school------

y/n went to school in her galaxy outfit because shes a fucking idiot. 

she hummed fight song all the way to school in harry styles car bc even tho he literally kidnapped her he still takes her to school what a weirdo. (omg y/nnn get it gurlllll🤩) 

when she got into school she was late even tho she got to school on the bus on time with everyone else shes just such a midget she couldnt keep up. ( AHHH Y/NN NOOOO THE TRADGEDYYYYY😭😭😭😭😭) 

she looked behind her to make sure harry styles didnt follow her in when suddenly she ran into a huge wall.


walls werent muscular

or wear t - shirts

or stand in the hallway just waiting for a fucking ant to run into them holy shit perv

y/n looked up to see e/n. "y/n" he growled. like a bear? bro ur enemy is a bear fucking MAKE UP WITH THEM RN THEY CAN KILL YOU OMG GIRL UR STUPID WTF ITS A BEAR RUN

"e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e/n... w-w-hat are y-you d-doing he-here UwU" y/n stuttered like a fucking idiot (ahhhh y/n girl u so cuteee 😝)  when all of a sudden e/n just slams y/n into a locker and starts making out with her because he doesnt understand the concept of consent. 


e/n pulled away leaving y/n puckering looking like a fish (hahah y/n so goofy😚)

e/n then walked away like a fucking bad boy. no seriously put him in jail give this man (or bear) jail time srsly.

thats the first bit lol i might do some later if ppl want but they most likely will not

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