They make it better

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I don't know why but...I hate it here. We had to move here and I don't know why. But I guess I'm okay with it.

The problem is that the other kids constantly bully and tease me. I've gotten teased by other kids before.

But this hurts. Because I don't even understand what they're saying. But I can tell they're teasing me because I don't speak their language.

I hate it. But some kids are nice to me. This pink haired girl named Sakura. Me and her are friends.

This shy and quiet girl. She has short purple hair. I think it's cute. I hope she likes me. I want to be friends.

People tell me to stay away from him. But this blonde haired boy named Naruto. He's funny. He's also really nice but a trouble maker.

I'm not sure if  I'm friends with him...but there is a boy with black hair. He's cold. But nice overall I guess. I think. I don't know why so many girls have fallen for him.

I attempted to talk to him and strike up a conversation but I swear I've never felt so unsafe in my life...

They're good people and nice to me. They make things better. They make me feel better. They're very important to me...

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