Dragons Downfall

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Yī nuò Pov

After my first day I was planning to tell my mother all about it. But then I saw a silver haired man. Is he old? Doesn't look like it.

He seemed to be reading something. I quietly walked over to him to peek over his shoulder.

He must have been aware of me since he disappeared. What jutsu was this again? Give me a break I'm new to this.

"Nosy little girl." He said. "I'm curious. There is a difference...Hatake." "Kind of surprised you knew me. Not really."

"You are kind of famous." "I would know...Dragon." "dragon?" "Maybe I shouldn't have said anything."

I'm confused. I can only learn so much Japanese at once. This is too much. I looked at him.

I had no interest in getting into a conversation with him...I wish I stayed with him...but I didn't.

I just walked off and went home. Mom told me not to talk to strangers anyway. I saw Sakura on the way.

I waved to her and she came over. "I didn't expect to see you at all." I said. "Me neither...oh tomorrow we're being put on teams right?" "Yeah. I don't really care who I'm put on a team with...I just hope we can work together and get along." "I hope I'm on a team with Sasuke!"

This girl...she went on about it but I listened.  We went to some places together and continued talking and before I knew it...it was damn near nighttime.

"Our parents are gonna kill us..." "how did we lose track of time like this?" We both quickly said out goodbyes and went home.

When I got home I was shocked and scared. There were Ninja at my home. Iruka sensei was there.

He quickly turned to me. "Yī nuò? H-hold on Dont-" it was too late. I ran right past him and saw it...

My mother and father lifeless bodies. It was gruesome. They were dismembered, cut up, and burned.

I couldn't even cry or utter a word. I was in disbelief. No way this could happen...my parents are stronger than this.

Who did it? When did it happen? Why did they do it? How did they do it? What even happened?

It all felt like a fever dream. No. Not a dream. A nightmare. Nightmare fuel. Mother and father had no enemies from what I'm aware of.

In our home town everyone loved them. Here most other adults are kind. So I don't understand. Why?

I felt hands cover my eyes as if that would help. Maybe it would. Maybe it would make everything better.

When I was younger when I was scared of the dark my father would say if you can't see them they can't see you. Will that work in this situation? I want it to.

I could tell it was Iruka Sensei. The moment I wasn't able to see their bodies I realized I couldn't see at all.

That's how my world would be for now on. My world would be dark. I started to cry. Iruka sensei hugged me.

Somehow it felt like he shared the same pain as I now did. I feel bad for him. He has to watch the same scenario happen to others. It's sad.

I guess this was better than watching it actually happen. Then it would replay in my mind forever.

"Yī nuò...I'm sorry..." "Iruka..." I've never called him Iruka. I've always said 'Iruka Sensei'

But it just came out. "I know it doesn't seem like it...but it will get better-" "No...don't finish those words....Your tongue is filled with lies and secrets and I want no part of it."

I didn't recognize myself. Or my voice. Where was I again? Who was I with? It's dark...this is scary.

Iruka Pov

Her voice...it sounded off...eerily off. Something in her eyes...It was a Chinese character...I know a small bit of it.

Their was a dragon tattoo on the side of her face. Was I going to have to fight a child? A child who's suffering?

I didn't want that. Yī nuò looked like she was losing her mind. I don't blame her. I knocked her out.

I didn't want to fight her. This was something I refused to deal with. I didn't want her to face the same pains as me.

I'd die before I let that happen. I want her consent but I'm going to take care of her...adopt her even.

I refuse to leave her as a orphan.(we're not gonna bring up naruto) I don't know her well. I don't know her parents well either. But I know they were nice people.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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