if its one chapter why do i need chapter tiles

13 0 2

He was starring at her.

Ridht hin her doorway was a figure. He was tall and made of shadows and wearing a bull point pen hat. he was stayirng at her. She couldnts ee his mouth or anything rally on his face, but she coud see heis eyes. They were jsut white cicirlcsecs tiny dots on his face speher. 

Chaos grabbed the cbootle of the pink pills, dropping what felt like more than one and downing it with tea. She knew she would need to not be feeling siper sick if she could want to make it out of this. She looked between the htst man slowly opening her door and the window and decided on th one where she had a better chance of survivela. 

The bush was not as soft ad she has exprwcted it to nbe.. But she had no tim to stop and access the injauris and made a bee line for the mountaid with thr rocks. There was Table all set up with the rocks. 

They look corncersn as they saw Chaos runind over and coovoeed in bloosd. "Wyat- what happened to you?" Table grabbed cha's face ans to examnisn the extent of the uinjuries. 

cHaod shoot his hands off, ingoneing the hurt look on Tables's face, "thers no time, we need to climbe or the hat man is gonna a get us."

But if we climb", Tabble awas already ddoing tew rope stiff on choas, "who will belay us?" 

"I will," Both turned to see omg its shrek! whats is he doing jere? 

"Shrek!" Tables and cho both turend and shaoiuted in astonishment. 

"Go," Shrek said, "There's no time to fight it. You're my swamp and therefore i misy protect you."

SO they bothew got on the rock and started climbing, Everyone knows rocks cant climb. I mean shadows cant climb. neother can rocjs atechnically i think i dont knoe. Shadowos cant climb, everyone knows this thats why they need yo clonb and get high.

Table puklled out the drugs and they did a drug so theta the high so no more shadow. But then they felt that there wasnt slack being taken from the ropw anymore and that meant that shrek had got taken sby the hat man and sput in his hat. 

They had to be careful or if they fell it would be then end. but htere was a cave and they made it up to there and let go of the rope. They were safe for ow,. But then they relaiizrd the cave was full of shadow aand the ha man was there. He grabbed theym and put them in his hat. 

It wasnt that band in tha hat. It was a bunch of plushiesa dna snuggles until you become wone with the hat. 

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