C H A P T E R 1

35 5 2


It affects me to much

I try to run

But you cant

Run from it

I read

but it pierces

through my escape

It makes me wanna scream

to block it all off

Until I can't

Hear anything

Not even my own breathing

But I can't so I hide

Listen from a distance

Not that it does much

I know it's not my fault

but I can't help but wonder

I can hear it from my hideaway

Seeping through the four walls

I call my escape

I mute it

with pillows


and sometimes my own crying

but it still can be heard

As faint as it is

Its like a siren

calling all the attention

Another day


Me standing there

silently getting crushed

my soul disintegrating

I can't watch just listen

But that's worse




You can't escape it

Just stand there

No running

No hiding

Just hopelessness

swirling around my hurt body

Bringing tears to my

already broken down body.

So I stand


my ears to sensitive

to the voices

to the threats

silently hanging in the air


to be



a knife

They don't think I'm writing about them

they think

Its just a poem

Its not

its my feelings

that were are bundled up

but now spilling like blood

out onto the paper

Its like when you hide

they find you

then you can't hide anymore

It finds you

like a monster lurking

deep in the dark shadowsof my heart

I'm afraid one day I wont

be able to take it

I'll scream

Until we are all sirens

piercing through

my blackened





▼ M E A N I N G ▼

The meaning of this poem is her and her mother gets abused by her father. The screaming is her mothers but she knows if she tries to stop her father he will kill her and her mom. So she tries to block it out, but he knows one day she will scream at him and snap. Thats what she's afraid of so she writes to escape, to say whats on her mind.

P.S - I know that you probably wouldn't guess that she and her mother was abused by her father but I think that. So Sorry if you didn't get it until you read the meaning. Please comment if you think I should write the meaning before the poem so you know. Also comment your feelings about it

➳ Leah Skye

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