Chapter Two

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          My name is Zian Esper Catcher, and I might be one of the most pathetic men alive. I know it all might sound dumb but my downfall really did start with the man of my dreams leaving me. Though it wasn't quite leaving me, since he was never mine. He was some stupid " golden retriever's" lover. 

Today was May 5th, 2014. This day I was dreading, I never wanted today to come but I knew it was eventually going to happen. Today was the day that I was going to meet Jonathan's little boyfriend, Jaden. I don't want to meet him, I don't want to see who stole the love of my life's heart. It had been a couple months since my heart got broken but still it hurt like hell and meeting this "golden retriever" was going to make my pain much worse.

I knocked on the door of Jonathan's small but lovely house. The only damn fucking good thing about this experience will be getting to see Jonathan.It took a couple minutes but someone came over to answer the door. It was Nicholas, Jonathan's older brother. Nicholas just nodded at me and motioned his arms for me to come in. When I got inside I got a good look at Nicholas. I haven't seen him since I was just a teen, so it was a bit surprising. Jonathan didn't even mention him also being there to meet Jaden. I didn't mind though, I've never been close with Nicholas but you could just tell he's a good guy just like his little brother.

Nicholas was only 2 years older than Jonathan and me, but damn he could pull off being our age. He really did honestly look so much like Jonathan, there were only a couple differences. He had beautiful black hair and precious green eyes, just like Jonathan. He was only a bit fitter than him and he definitely was taller. The main thing that was different from them was their personalities. Jonathan was always a bright guy, who was always cheerful, he was quite a talkative guy. Sometimes you could end up accidentally talking for hours with Jonathan without even realizing it or getting bored. Nicholas though, he was the complete opposite. He would always quiete and cold. He was also the type of guy that you could barely even hold a conversation with for less than a minute. That wasn't his fault though, it was just how he was.Holy hell, I didn't even notice but he was wearing a tight shirt and you could tell he was hella ripped. He must have started working out more or something.

"Yo, Nick what's taking so long? Is Zian actually here or is it just that pizza delivery boy?" You could hear he was in the living room, and you could tell someone else was there, with the laugh that followed after he said that. I sighed, I would also laugh but it would just be weird. "Just, Zian." Nicholas also sighed for some reason and he walked me to the living room.

That's where I first ever saw him. I really didn't like him, and the way Jonathan was just sitting in his lap, getting all cozy with him pissed me off but my god he was gorgeous. Jonathan was exactly right when he said Jaden looked like a golden retriever puppy. He was decently tall, had golden blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. Yes, Jaden was a beautiful man but he still had nothing on Jonathan. Jaden just looked like a golden retriever puppy, but Jonathan looked like an angel sent from the heavens, he even acted like one.

Jonathan jumped out of Jaden's lap and ran over to me while Jaden followed behind him. Jonathan looked so damn happy, it hurt but at the same time it made me happy to see him like that. " Okay so Jaden, this man is my childhood best friend, Zian Catcher." Jaden looked at me with his golden retriever grin and he put out his hand, I shook it, not wanting to be rude. "It's really great to meet cha. My name is Jaden but I'm sure this guy already told ya." Jonathan just laughed at him and then he put him in an embrace and put his face in Jaden's chest. " Yeah, well Jaden you know I can't help but talk about you and you're handsome little face. I'm sure Nicholas was getting bored of it so I had to start telling other people about you." They both really were close, weren't they? I looked over at Nicholas, who was already settled down on the couch, just to see him staring straight at me. He looked away quickly and grabbed his phone and started looking at it. Was Nicholas embarrassed? Well I would be too if my younger brother was getting all cozy with some guy in front of me.

I walked over and sat down next to Nicholas. I didn't want to be the creep watching some couple cuddling and hugging, it also pained me to watch this. Yes I indeed kept calm and didn't let it show but my heart was honestly aching and my stomach hurt like hell. "Heh, looks like we are going to be third wheels tonight, Nicholas." He just looked at me and nodded, like he usually does.He then went back to looking down at his phone. It kind of felt a bit odd, I know Nicholas doesn't talk much but he seems more colder than usual. Then again we haven't talked in years, still felt weird though.

Jonathan and Jayden got out of their hug and went back to the couch by me and Nicholas. Jayden had small talk with me while Jonathan seemed to be texting someone, while silently laughing to himself. The pizza delivery boy finally came and Jonathan ran to the door. Jayden looked over at me and then Nicholas. " You two guys should talk more, I'll go set up just dance, since Jonathan wanted to play." He said with a laugh while getting up and going over to the tv.

Nicholas and I just sat there in awkward silence.It was fucking damn weird, I don't understand why the golden retriever boy had to make everything so much worse. It already was weird but now it's just awkward. "So, uhm how are you doing?" He said, I looked over at Nicholas, he didn't sound so sure but he actually said a full on sentence to me. I always knew he was a sweet guy. " Me well, I'm doing pretty okay, I'm having a fun night." I may have lied a bit but I was still being a bit honest. I may hate every bit of tonight, but I still was surprisingly having a little bit of fun. I was still sad and crushed by Jonathan's relationship but I still loved him. Seeing him happy and dating such a sweet guy made me happy. Jayden was really an amazing guy from what I've seen and yeah he ruined my chances but he was still funny and cool.

Nicholas looked at the ground " So do you-" Jonathan ran into the room with pizza boxes. " Guy's look who's finally got pizza from that pizza delivery boy!" Jayden laughed. "Hell yeah, babe!" Jayden ran up to him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed the pizza out of his hands and put it on the living room table. I hated watching that happen, it made me feel ill. It made my heart ache even worse, and it wasn't because of the kiss it was because of the reaction to the kiss. I have never seen Jonathan make that face in my entire life of knowing him.

"Who's ready for just dance and pizza!" Jonathan said and then looked at his phone. He laughed a little to himself and then looked up at me. "Yo, Zian so did you ever get in contact with that waitress lady or any other ladies?" Huh? Why the hell is he asking at such a random time." Oh well nah, I never really had the time" Jonathan just looked at me and then Jaden and they both laughed.

That whole entire night we all ate pizza and played just dance. Even if it was with that golden retriever boy, the love of my life that's not so much my love of my life and his brother I still had fun. I think I just automatically hated Jaden just because he got to Jonathan before I did. I honestly had no right to hate him, he was a good guy and I knew it. I think it's finally time I should give up on Jonathan, sure he's a really great guy and he's beautiful but he's not mine. He's clearly in love with Jaden and they are happy together.   

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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