Please... Before You Leave

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I ran through the port town of Awa, anxious to see my long time friend Jaeha it had been years since I had seen him as he was always at sea with the pirates. I respected them more than anyone in this life, especially my own good-for-nothing parents they would cower under Kumji and let him have everything, once they were the so-called "leaders" of the port but now look at the place all the women disappearing, well I know the truth behind it all. Human trafficking. Damn that man to the void. I turned the corner seething and bumped straight into a hard body. With an umpf I fell to the floor rubbing my backside
"ow ow ow, hey! What the hell are you-" looking up at the person I was about to scream profanities when I noticed the long green pony tail and his purple eyes gleaming as he turned to me.
"Jaeha..." I was in awe of him, and it was very evident as he smirked, leaning down he held out a hand. He was much taller than I remembered, then again it had been years since he'd left. To make sure I was never harmed by that bastard he stayed away, but i'm 18 now so he promised he'd come back.
"Well that wasn't very graceful little princess" his hand lifted me and I crossed my arms across my chest
"tch little princess, my family haven't pampered me since birth Jaeha." I smiled and continued "It's so good to see you." He smiled warmly at my moment of affection and pressed his cheek against mine rubbing against it "aw Paige look at you so cute and everything!"
"Jaeha! Stop it!" He let go and before he knew it I wrapped my arms around his stomach "I've missed you Jaeha. I really have missed you" I heard him sigh contentedly and felt him rest his hand on my head
"I've waited so long to hear you say that to me." Came his reply and thats when I knew, I was falling for him... All over again. But choosing to ignore my thoughts about what could happen I closed my eyes and lived in the moment relishing in the contact i'd so longed for. "Hey want to go on the ship?" His voice echoed blissfully
"Captain Gigan will let me?"
"Of course she will, she's not seen you for a few months, we were out at sea fighting Kumji's men. Which reminds me, I have something to tell you later, but not now. How about we enjoy ourselves aye shorty?" 'Shorty' he has been here less than 10 minutes and he is already nicknaming me!
"S-shorty?? You're just too damn tall."
"Women like taller men, sorry to break it to you." He winked at me and my face flushed
"Lets just get going"
The walk to the ship was short and we made light small talk on the way, about how we'd been and whats been happening. Turns out they have stopped a total of 23 ships from entering the port but the boys on the ship are getting exhausted so they wont be going back out till next week. We reached the ship quickly and I ran straight on.
"Captain! Captain!" I called out and heard her shoes walking to the deck.
"My, my. It's been a little while my girl. You look well." came her voice from next to me. "Are those clothes new? They look imported from Hiryuu" she noticed my new attire immediately and I smiled.
"Nope I made them myself. Got to know how to do something when i'm stuck at the prison." She nodded taking a drag on her pipe knowing that by the prison I meant home. It was often like this with the captain we spoke more than anyone would realise, even with such short conversations our words told a thousand tales. It was because she was so motherly I felt comfortable around her more than most. Being a people person wasn't really my thing and she knew it.
"They are very elegantly embroidered especially the lotus clasp." She turned to Jaeha to find he was looking away at the sea. "Jaeha!" Gaining his attention she pointed at my attire. It was very similar to his but it flowed out at the bottom and only had one long sleeve. It was a blueish-purple colour and had gold trimming as well as an embroidered pink lotus flower on the hip, much like a buckle making sure my dress would remain closed.
"Have you even complimented Paige's handy work?!"
"Well we had a bit of a chaotic meeting so uhhh no." He flinched and Captain Gigan flicked him on the side of his head earning a few hushed murmurs.
"So are you just going to stand there, take a look it compliments her frame beautifully." Now admittedly my bust wasn't as big as i'd like but it was not small either and my hips came out a bit giving me a slight curve in my figure, but I was short and there was no denying that fact.
"Ah Captain, ever the subtle one." He looked over me as the Captain walked away and he smiled with a very light blush dusting his cheeks.
"Its really impressive, she knows her stuff. You look lovely, such a nice looking lady should be taken out for a night..." His voice trailed off as he looked to the sky and glanced at me out the corner of his eye smirking.
"Should they??" I feigned ignorance and his eyebrow twitched a little as he cleared his throat.
"Come on surely you aren't serious, anyway so you wanna go?" He spun on his heel back to me and smiled sweetly.
"Sure I have nothing better to do and my suitors haven't sent for me yet either." So that was a lie I had no suitors well maybe one but he was the towns playboy anyway, I was just curious to see Jaeha's reaction.
"Suitors?! What suitors? Who is interested in you tell me!" Feeling his hands shake me frantically as if he was a father preventing his child from finding a lover.
"Jaeha! Jaeha! I was kidding no one is trying to marry me." His face looked as if it had aged a hundred years at that exact moment and I was suppressing a very big urge to laugh at him.
"Then don't say things like that, I thought someone had already claimed..." His voice lowered as he walked away but I just managed to catch the words "What is mine."

*8 hours later*
I was wearing the same clothes I had been all day but I washed my fairly long brown hair and put it into a half up half down style so now here I was waiting for Jaeha outside my parents tea house. Looking to the left and right I saw no one but the so-called officials. Silently praying they wouldn't notice me I turned to look back in the window of the tea house and luckily for me they walked straight past. Although I wasn't a helpless girl I'd rather not take on two armed men while I myself am unarmed. Dragging me from my thoughts I heard someone shouting out.
"Oii!! Paige!" Looking around I saw Jaeha at the end of the road waving as he walked to me, he had done nothing to his appearance which didn't bother me in the slightest, he always looked good anyway.
"Excuse me I am waiting for my future husband, please don't disturb me." Came my voice teasing him.
"Don't be silly, Darling. I'm right here." He winked and I shook my head laughing.
"Anyway what have you got planned for us tonight?" He grabbed my left hand and put his finger to his lips,
"It's a surprise" He chuckled and began pulling me toward the docks, so I assumed he was going to take me out on the ship. Boy was I wrong. We went about our little journey making jokes about each other and taking in the sunset when he turned to me and out of nowhere told me to hold on. Uh oh. I grabbed his shoulders and he lifted me onto his back as he jumped high into the air. It was no secret to me of his dragon blood and whenever I saw him in the air I could have sworn he was flying.
"How's the view so far?"
"It's amazing! You always get to see everything like this so to you its no big deal but... Woo hoo!" My joyous voice echoed over the horizon with his laughter accompanying it beautifully. We were two people both childish and both free. This was our land now and we were going to embrace it together even if just for the night. But after a while of jumping around I wanted to give Jaeha a break and so I told him we should land.
"I will in a moment there is somewhere I want us to stop specifically." He answered me and I gave the back of his head a confused look and just settled that he wouldn't give me a clear answer. It took us only 5-10 minutes to get there and the views once again took my breath away. The landscape was an enormous valley on top of a high cliff, the sea in front and a large grassy field at our back. To anyone else this wouldn't be much but to me it was perfect.
"You like it?"
"Yes... Very very much. Thank you for bringing me here." He smiled softly as he looked into my eyes.
"Listen, Paige. We're going back out to the sea at the end of the week and it could be the end of us... We're fighting Kumji's men as well as the tyrant himself." His eyes lowered while mine widened. It felt as if the words "it could be the end of us" were ringing in my head.
"No... Jaeha, I know you, you'll be back. You have to come back right?? The boys too and Captain Gigan you all have to come back, we're family." He brought his hand up to the side of my head and brought it into his chest sighing heavily, so in return I placed my hand over his.
"Come now little princess. Sometimes things happen and we have to accept them. This is for the port and for you. I want to keep you safe." The affection in his voice was evident more than ever and I couldn't stop myself from reaching my hand up to his cheek. He looked down following the motion of my hand turning his face and we remained looking at each other for what felt like centuries. Then I felt it again, the tug on my heart. I longed for this man, only ever this man. His eyes clouded slightly and my stomach gained one thousand butterflies as his head began to lean down towards mine. The gap between us was closed shortly and my head began to swim. Our lips brushed against each other in the sweetest way I could imagine before we pulled away and looked at each other again. But it didn't last long as his hand pressed on my back and he kissed my lips once more, with an added force making this kiss more passionate than the first. I couldn't believe it, Jaeha and I were kissing, it was really happening here and now. Parting to gain our breaths he stroked a thumb over my cheek and smiled.
"I've been waiting to do that, for longer than you'd think..."
"Honestly? So what you said earlier you really were hinting at being interested in me?!" Came my surprised response and he chuckled.
"Yes my lady. I didn't want anyone trying to claim what I had set my heart upon." It was all I could do to hide my blush with my hands, how he kept his composure saying those things was beyond me and I heard him laugh again at my embarrassment.
"I'm sorry it took so long to come back I always asked the old lady how you were." His face showed guilt and I shook my head grinning.
"It's alright she told me whenever I saw her that you were checking up on me. But she told me not to tell you so keep that quiet." I put my finger over my lips and he smirked.
"I promise you this, as long as I am still alive i'll come back to you. This battle will be hard but i'm coming back, we all are, even if it means in pieces."
"I know. Captain and the boys wont let you leave me that quickly." He nodded in agreement and stood holding out a hand for me to take. Accepting it, I was brought up and into his chest, being able to take in his whole addictive fragrance. He smelled of him, just pure Jaeha exactly how I liked it. We looked out to sea and the water was beautifully calm.
"I love you Paige, so please... Wait for me."
"I wouldnt dream of anything else, Jaeha. I love you too."


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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