jubilee line

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING: blood, suicide, death, asthma, wheezing, screaming‼️

I hate this fucking city. especially jubilee line. I've been starting to show signs of asthma, especially down in jubilee line. my throat closes up and I start to wheeze. my doctors said its cause of polluted air.

this city is miserable. the truth is, nobody can afford to leave. so they find another way too

a horrid, frightening way.

I hate seeing these people go.

i try and not look at people near the train tracks to often, as I've seen one two many people jump in front of them.

one of those people were my aunt.

I remember, we were going to go to a fancy restaurant and she said she would be right back. she jumped in front of the train we were supposed to take right in front of me.

my cheeks were wet with hot, salty tears as my lips quivered and my body started to tremble.

blood splattered on the wall as I heard sirens in the distance. I felt as if I was in a horror movie.

I screamed for her but it was too late. after that day, any time I enter jubilee line I do it myself and I keep quiet.

they have implemented barriers on the rails. they are far to short and do not stop these poor people from killing themselves.

I'm so excited to leave this fucked up place.

your city gave me asthma. | stories based on Wilbur Soot's albumWhere stories live. Discover now