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Rae: as I walk in the classroom I spot a boy looking at me with this big bush and sunglasses he was cute but I just didn't get to know him plus I just didn't know what to say

Ms Ross: ok class today we will be learning about William Shakespeare

Jacob: Are we learning about Romeo and Juliet ms Ross

Ms Ross: yes Jacob now pay attention


Jacob: ok

Ms Ross: ok we are going to watch a short video just to get to learn a little bit about William Shakespeare oh and you can move up if you can't see

Rae: I move up with Dominique to sit beside her and when I move up to Dominique Jacob moves beside me

Jacob: hey I never really caught your name oh and by the way my name is Jacob

Rae: hey my name is Raedyn but everyone calls me Rae and it is nice to met your Jacob

Jacob: your have a really cute smile

Rae: well thank you and your are very cute by the way

Jacob: (smiles) well I was going to go get some Chinese food after school do you want to come with?

Rae: hold on let me talk to my friend really quick

Jacob: ok beauty!!!

Rae:( smile) ok

Rae: Dominique what should I do

Dominique: I don't care you can go with just be careful

Rae: ok thank you I love you. You always have something to say

Dominique: that'd what I do!!!!

Rae: ok my friend thinks it ok for me to hang out with you after school

Jacob: ok see you there(wink)

Rae: ok bye

Jacob: bye beauty


Jacob pov

Man she was soooooo fine and so pretty I just want to make her mines and keep her all to myself and treat her right

Incoming call??


Roc: wassup my niggga ways going on

Jacob: nothing man I am doing good but today in history class I met this banging ass chick name Raedyn but they call her Rae and she is fine she has curvey hips she's thin and I will let you on a little secret SHE GOT A BIG ASS!!!!!!!! But keep that to yourself ok

Roc: lls ok

Jacob: but yea anyway I have to go me and Rae suppose to be going to get some Chinese food and get to know each other

Roc: Ard well go ahead oh and be careful lls

Jacob: Ard later homie

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