Prologue: A new world

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Location: Earth
In a forest located in scotland a light was seen getting closer we see a group of teenagers 4 boys 3 girls these seven are on a vacation they thought going to a forest at night so they could have a party the four boys were drinking with the three girls i know the them that there is something watching them.

Boy 1: hey you guys hurt the story about this place it's said that this place is supposed to be where vampires supposed to live.

Boy 2: oh yeah i heard about that well in that case you girls come closer to us so we can protect you when we sleep better yet sleep with us at our tents.

Girl 1: oh no that's just bulshit you just want a reason so we can sleep with you were not freshman you know.

Girl2: yeah i'm with her we're not stupid we know when you have a plan and we know you just want to have fun with our bodies you perv

Boy3: yeah i'm with the girls here i don't believe that there is vampires in this forest but i do we with the girl sleep at us so we can keep them safe you don't know there might be a serial killer here haha!!

Girl3: yeah you can show that offer up your a**

Boy4: oh oh man she got you there but come on girl you know you want us

Girl1: and like i said no and go fuck yourself plus you guys know i have a boyfriend waiting for me back in arizona

Until they heard a sound of rustling in the woods

Boy3: the hell was that

Boy1: must be an animal or a vampire ooohhh

Girl3: would you just drop the vampire thing vampires are not real.

Until they heard the same sound again but this time a scream was heard when the looked they saw one of the boys are missing

Girl2: a guys where is Dex

Boy2: what the Dex c'mon man i this is a prank

That's when they heard another scream

Girl1: Trisha? Trisha?!! Ok what the hell is happening is this one of your pranks pranks or something ok hahaha you got us i come back the hell out here

Until they heard a sinister laugh coming closer to them from the darkest part of the forest

???: Hahahaha! If you're looking for your friends then bad news for you 5 you don't see them for now hahaha!!!

Then one of the boys looked into that part of the forest and said

Boy1: hey what the hell did you do my friends asshole where's Trish and dex?!!!. Said with anger

But the figure came closer and closer his laugh was getting more louder and when they look they gazed upon a middle-aged man but this one i saw his teeth it was that of a beast monster. The man got closer and closer and stopped he spread his arms is wide and laugh like a mad and said

???: Oh don't raise your tone at me but if you're going to scream than feel free I love my food energetic. He smiled with a grin that shows sharp teeth and licked his lips

That's when they saw their two friends trisha and dex but something was wrong the gazes more and saw that their two friends were dead but no blood they look like the were fighting and then they gazed back to the man

???: Oh I see you spot them well congrats they were so delicious but I think you all look tastier than them now my lovelies rise.

That's when they heard weird gurgling sounds coming from the bodies of their former friends they saw them stand up they smiled because it might be because they're alive but when they look at them again they saw them walking like zombies from a horror movie they began limping the five teenagers screamed and ran to the van but the van was locked

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