the end

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As time passed, Max grew to love his new universe more and more. He made even more friends, learned new tricks, and explored new places he had never seen before.

One day, while playing with some of his new dog friends, Max heard a strange noise. It sounded like a low growl, but different from any growl he had ever heard before. Curious, he followed the sound to the edge of the park where he saw a creature he had never seen before.

It was a small animal, about the size of a cat, but it was covered in spines and had sharp teeth. It was growling at him, and Max could feel his instincts kicking in. But then he remembered that he was in a universe with no cats, and he realized that this must be some other kind of animal.

Max approached the creature slowly, not wanting to scare it. The creature continued to growl, but it didn't attack. Instead, it sniffed at Max curiously, then nuzzled him with its spiky snout.

Max was surprised but also happy. He had never seen an animal like this before, but he was glad it wasn't a cat. He played with the creature for a while, and they became fast friends.

Over time, Max discovered more and more creatures in his new universe. Some were friendly, some were not, but none of them were cats. Max was happy to have found a place where he could be free from his fear and hatred of cats.

And so, Max lived out the rest of his days in the cat-free universe, surrounded by new friends and creatures he had never seen before. He never forgot his old life, but he knew that he had found a new home where he could be happy and free.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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