Season 3 Episode 3

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The demon laughed as it continued to tower over me.

Then it seemed everything went into slow motion. My body moved on its own and before I knew it.. The demon was dead. Then it went back to normal. I stood over its burning body in shock and confused. Then everything went dark.


I woke up back in the Butterfly Estate. "You're awake, how do you feel?" Kanao stands over me. "Sore" I replied. "Stop almost dying will ya?" Aoi says placing medicine on the bedside table.

"How long was I out?" I asked. "A few days, if you rest and recover you should be able to go on your mission with Tanjiro on time don't do anything stupid" Aoi scolded me. I sweat dropped and nodded. "You'll have a few bandages around your arms and waist for a few more days as the damage caused by the demons was severe" Kanao added.

"For lower rank demons they were strong.. it wouldn't surprise me if they got more strength than the rest" Shinobu entered. I nodded.


As intended I got enough rest and recovered so I was good to go find Tanjiro.

I bid everyone goodbye before heading off.

After walking for a while I reached my location.

I found Tanjiro and Nezuko, it seemed Tanjiro got done with breading Nezuko's hair. I opened the door and both of them looked towards me. Nezuko stood up and waddled her way towards me. I crouched down and hugged the girl.

"You look adorable with the braids!" I patted her head. Nezuko smiled happily. She put her hand on the bandage on my cheek when she saw it.

Tanjiro walked over to me, a worried look on his face "What happened to you?" he asked. "Ah.. well.. the demons where tougher than I thought... I killed them at least nearly dying in the process" I explained.

Tanjiro's eyes widened. Even poor Nezuko hugged me tighter. Tanjiro wrapped his arms around me as well. "At least you're okay.. right?" he asked. I nodded. He placed a kiss on my forehead after I nodded.


Tanjiro and Nezuko fell asleep, I couldn't sleep after... well.. being asleep for a few days so I stared out of the window. Failing to notice Muichiro entering the room until I heard Tanjiro talk.

How on earth did I not hear him enter?..

I moved closer towards them, small Nezuko still asleep on the floor. I stayed silent most of the time as I had nothing to say. Nezuko woke up and stomped around trying to get Muichiro's attention.

He did notice her after a few minutes. "Is someone here?" Tanjiro asked looking towards the door. The door slowly opened revealing a demon. Muichiro moved within seconds as Tanjiro and I grabbed our swords. We froze when its body split into more demons.

I froze in place once I read its eyes.. Upper Moon.. 4. Crap...

Muichiro moved towards it but was sent flying by a massive gust of wind. Tanjiro and I were both sent flying as well. Nezuko grabbed a hold of a broken wall while she grabbed Tanjiro's hand. I barely managed to grab Tanjiro's hand.

"Muichiro!" Tanjiro yelled. We landed back on our feet after. Genya standing on the roof, shooting the demons with... a strange weapon. "They regenerate from their heads!" Tanjiro yelled.

More demons formed. Tanjiro was grabbed by one that could fly, Nezuko tried to grab him but she was too late. I failed to notice what happened to Genya when I was sent flying by the same thing that send Muichiro flying. I landed back first into a tree.

This... isn't going to be easy.

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