Chapter 16

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*Aurelia Goldberg Perspective*

Its 3:30 am and you still can't sleep. You must be going crazy.

The voice inside my head tells me this. And they are right. For some people it could be normal that there up at this time, but for me it definitely isn't. I look at myself and see that I'm closer to Connor then when I first went in bed. I'm basically hugging him and he doesn't seem to mind at all.

I feel that I am burning hot. I can feel sweat on my forehead starting to slowly come down my face and my stomach is killing me.I want to get up to go to the washroom but I'm afraid I will wake up Connor. After mentally arguing with my conscious inside my head, I decide to get up. I mean you never know what's wrong with me.

I pull the blanket off of myself making sure Connor is still covered. I sit up and put on my slippers starting to make my way to my destination. I close the door and open the light. Let me tell you I look like a mess. My hair that was once a proper bun now has pieces of stray hairs coming out from it, and it is lope sided on the left side of my head.

My suitcase is in here, so I decide to change into shorts and take off my long fuzzy pants. I take my phone out too and leave the washroom, making sure I'm quite. My plan works until I trip over my diary on the floor, not making myself fall over but it still made noise and I immediately regret what I did because I hear movement from the bed.

"Aurelia?" I turn back around and see a shadow rolling around in bed, trying to find a light source.

"Yes?" I say, my voice coming out more as a squeak.

"What are you doing this early in the morning? Actually this late at night?"

"My stomach hurts and I'm legit going to die if I don't get something cold on my forehead soon."

"I assume your sick. I'm pretty sure I brought Advil in my suitcase let me check. Oh can you open the lights first please?"

I walk over to the light switch and turn it on. My eyes start squinting at the bright light that I am not familiar with at night.

"Here you go. Let me go get you some water." Connor hands me the bottle of pills for the flu. He comes back with a bottle of water and gives it to me. We both stand thee in silence, and that is my fault.

"Well are you not going to take the pill?" Connor asks.

"I'm... scared."


"I've never taken a pill before."

Connor starting giggling at my confession and I have to admit I would laugh at myself too. I've always taken Tylenol as a toddler to this day, having a fear that I would choke.

"Just down it like a shot."

"Can I just bite on it and take it like that?"

"Come on stop being such a scaredy cat and get it over with."

He's right. If I do it quickly it will be done and over with, but if I keep complaining I'm never going to get better. I put the pill in my mouth and chug it down with water.

"Okay tomorrow lets take you to the doctor and get you checked up just incase."

"Alright mother." I say in a sarcastic voice.

"So do you want to go to sleep or stay awake?" Connor questions.

"Let's stay awake. I'm not tired anymore."

"Okay what you want to do?"

"I don't know lets just talk a little more like get to know each other. We knew each other since we were kids but I'm pretty sure all we did was play and not actually talk."

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