Duolingo x life360

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Duolingo and Life360 were two apps that couldn't be more different. One was designed to teach you a new language, and the other was designed to keep tabs on your family members. But when the two apps were accidentally merged together, it created a unique and hilarious experience.

Every morning, when the family woke up, they would hear Duolingo's signature owl voice reminding them to practice their language skills. But instead of just reminding them to practice, Duolingo would also tell them where their family members were located. "Your daughter is currently at the grocery store. Don't forget to practice your Spanish!"

At first, the family was annoyed by the constant reminders, but they soon realized that it was actually quite helpful. They could keep track of each other's locations and make sure everyone was safe. Plus, they were all learning a new language at the same time!

As the days went by, the family began to embrace the strange combination of Duolingo and Life360. They would practice their language skills together and quiz each other on vocabulary words. And whenever someone went missing, they could always count on Duolingo to tell them where they were.

In the end, the family learned more than just a new language. They learned the importance of staying connected and looking out for each other. And they had Duolingo and Life360 to thank for it.

(A/N: it's also very helpful for duolingo to kidnap people who forget to do their Spanish lessons :)

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