Chapter 1: "The Night When I Met Izuku..."

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Third Person's POV

Hya Evans is a 13-year-old girl with low self-esteem and introverted girl living in with foster parents, Yurika and her husband.

She believes that there is an invisible magic circle in the world and that she is on the outside away from everyone else.

One day at school, she collapses from an asthma attack and is brought home

"She's probably a hermit at school."

She hears her mother says to the doctor who check up on her

"It's true that stress can trigger asthma attacks."

"Meanwhile, my husband's off on a business trip. Maybe he and I are partly to blame, too."

"13 years old... It's a difficult age."

"Have you noticed anything about her?"

As she listens to the conversation from her room, she turns her body around, facing the wall

"She... always has an ordinary face."

"I'm sorry."

"Like she won't show her emotions...."

The doctor actually recommends sending her to spend the summer with Setsu and Kiyomasa Oiwa, relatives of Yurika, in the rural, seaside town of Kissakibetsu, where the air is clear, located between Kushiro and Nemuro. 

The town where the Oiwas' live in used to have lots of people visit, but after a highway was built, people stopped passing through.

'Hmm... it's pretty peaceful here, I guess...'


Hya notices a silo on the hill

"Hey, um... Uncle Kiyosama, what's that?"

"What's what?"

"That building from the hill."

"Ah. It's used to store feed on farms but that silo hasn't been used in ages, in fact it's a place where all the local kids dare each other to go in. But I think it's a good idea to avoid the place all together."

After driving all the way to the Oiwas' house, she puts her luggage on her room she'll be staying

After getting settled, Hya goes for a walk and sees an abandoned mansion across a salt marsh

"Huh? Woah..."

"That mansion seems so familiar..."

'I gotta check that out.'

She goes to get a closer look. She realizes that no one has lived there in ages as the place is falling apart.

A few minutes later, while up at the house, she doses off when she realizes it's sunset

She leaves the house but gets trapped there by the rising tide

"Oh no... what am I gonna do...?"

The rising tide waves and soaked her shoes and socks, making her back up

"Ah-- oh... my shoes..."

 Until suddenly, she is found by Toichi, a taciturn old fisherman, and brings her back to the pier with his rowboat

During that time, she turns around to see the house but thinks she sees lights in the house turning on, but seconds later, it is only the sunlight

'That's weird... I thought the lights were on...'

When Deku Was There (Izuku Midoriya x Hya Evans)Where stories live. Discover now