
16 2 7

I was tagged by @OceanaMiller2569 


1. Well it's a show called creeped out bc I don't watch horror stuff lol 

2. Olix, platonic bad boys  or mean gills 

3. I don't watch musicals but I'm going to see six soon so I'll update after that 

4. Dying with no one there for me 

5. I'm not that sort of person aka I haven't had a crush in like a year and that was for an hour lol 

6. Idk either the moss, curses, tongues and teeth, the moon will sing, allies or enemies, turn out the lights and never love an anchor

7. Maria V Snyder 

8. I'm not gonna name names but CH in my class 

9. Refer back to 5 

10. Pastel purple 

11. Penguin or axolotl 

12. Refer to 9 and 5

13. Non family on the lips no on the cheek yes actually truth or dare ok 

14. Trusting people 

15. All my friends, my family and you guys 

16. Sunday morning when reading a great fanfic called the last boy I forgor who it by lol


@A_Fanfic_Queen  @rxxesblaze @RainbowDrawz  @Seth189  

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