A new perspective

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There is no bigger battle than grace

It haunts every gender, sexuality, and race

And learning about it seems like a slap in the face because you realize that you could have been part of this unjustified showcase

Americans take pride in our freedom, but we never take time to look at another place, another country and the endless pathways that are discovered within their lace

It's like we are all on auto pilot traveling from workdays to sundays without a second thought, yet we pretend to appreciate holidays so we can erase the pain that comes from our own disgraceful workplace.

We are enslaved by our devices and somehow we still miss the big picture that outweighs our ordinary thoughts, and our ordinary days.

I'm so guilty because all I do is go to school and write essays without a true feeling, honestly I don't know how I am supposed to behave surely you have felt the same pain

Now I am uncertain of the human race, nowadays even an embrace is deemed a symbol of pain because why would you ever do something nice for somebody without it being an ongoing trend, or craze.

Humans have all of these cracks, these breaks. We simply don't have time for mistakes because happiness is everyone's ongoing chase, there is no contentment in our future, there is only flames.

(A/N I KNOW this is cringe, I wrote these in school and I wanted to preserve them :) )

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