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I ran from the shadow man as he chased after me for miles. I ran in a forest. It was calamitous with a magnificent fire burning the trees, bushes, and branches. The forest was hypnotizing, but I could not stop to admire its great beauty because of the shadow man. I remember asking myself "why won't he stop chasing me? What have I done to you?" He had set the fire unto this forest. He has destroyed my wonderful home and would continue to do so until it is no more than ash on the ground. The shadow man will pay for this. I ran out of the forest and turned back to him. I screamed the most explicit feelings of my being for he had achieved his goal and had put me into great misery. I watched the shadow man return to the burning forest. Crying, I continued to venture away from it—the only home I had ever known, burned to a crisp in front of my eyes. The only thing I could feel at that moment was torment. "How will I ever find a sufficient place to stay when I had such a beautiful forest to traverse through?" Thoughts such as that ran through my head a thousand times. The leaves that once fell onto my nose as my mother made hot cocoa in the cabin which I had slept in for years, will now be forgotten. I am left in great sorrow as the shadow man returns. "Do not cry dear, take my hand and see a new reality," he said in a voice that sent shivers down my spine. Reluctantly, I took his hand and we walked to a nearby field. It was quite expansive. He turned to look me in the eyes, then he said "wake up!" Immediately I was confused, but soon I knew it was time for me to end this nightmare.

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