Oh no

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Sunny finally wakes up after two days and a wild life or death dream, he silently sobs in his hospital bed finally accepting the truth, Mari is dead and Sunny finally feels like him and basil are ready to admit the truth to their wonderful friends, they'll understand.. Right...? Sunny walks out of his hospital room not concerned about the nurses who are probably gonna be really worried about the missing 16 year old, he finally makes it to basils room. "Sunny you're awake!" Hero says and looks at him with worry, "Hey guys, this is probably gonna make you mad, but I'm tired of holding it in, I have to tell you something." Sunny takes a deep breath in, Basil looking at Sunny with hope. "Mari was hopping around Tokyo city like a big playground when suddenly I burst from the shade and hit Mari with a Batgrenade Mari got pissed and began to attack but didn't expect to be blocked by my violin that proceeded to open up a can of Shaq-Fu when Basil came out of the blue and he started beating up the violin then they both got flattened by the Batmobile but before I could make it back downstairs Mari popped out of his grave and took an AK-47 out from under his hat and scared me away with a rat-a-tat-tat but she fell down the stairs and broke her neck because my violin came to save the day.." everyone besides basil looked at sunny in disbelief, "...Sunny, you did WHAT" Hero said, Sunny looked terrified, "but the story doesn't end there, Mari took a bite out of dust like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime and then I came back covered in a panic attack but Basil jumped out and landed on his back and I was trying to get steady when basil came back with a brilliant idea but suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped Indiana Jones took him out with his whip then he saw Indiana jones whip and asked "hey can me and sunny borrow it we need to hang someone" Indiana jones looks up at basil, and he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find 'cause I stole it and I shot and I missed cause Indiana jones deflected it with his fist "JESUS CHRIST OKAY TAKE THE FUCKING WHIP" he says sobbing. Then I jumped in the air and did a somersault while basil tried to prepare the pole vault onto Optimus Prime, but they collided in the air then Mari got hit by a Care Bear stare, then we hanged Mari and all was good the end" the jaws of the gang dropped to the ground, Aubrey clenched her fists but resisted the urge to beat Sunny and Basil up to a pulp, but she didn't, she felt herself slightly forgiving them in a way? she didn't know how to describe the feeling, "I... I need to take a moment or two" Aubrey runs out, Hero gives Sunny a blank stare, "Hero, lets just walk out okay?" Kel asks and then they're gone. Sunny looks at Basil, "Thank you sunny." Sunny and Basil take a moment to smile at each other and hug, a nurse walks in. "What the fuck is wrong with you kids?! I'm fucking calling the cops!!" Basil runs out of his bed, "NO PLEASE I DONT WANT SUNNY TO LEAVE ME AGAIN" Basil begs and cries, "Oh you'll be in the same jail alright, have fun!" Sunny gets fucking terrified, "NO!!" Basil and Sunny yell, Sunny kicks down the door and they chase the nurse, "911 what's your emergency?" "Hi we have some criminals murderous children on out hands" "Okay what's your address-" the nurse sees the boys, "NO!!!" Basil cries "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU RUN TO THE SECOND FLOOR SO FAST??" "Yeah how did we Basil I failed math class" the nurse and Basil stare at Sunny for a moment, "ANYWAYS WE'RE AT THE HOSPITAL TAKE THE-" Basil runs to the window dragging Sunny "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE US ALIVE!!" Basil breaks the window and jumps out, "CMON SUNNY WE NEED TO MOVE IT MOVE IT" Sunny jumps out and runs with Basil, the nurse screams on the phone "THEY'RE ON THE RUN!" "Okay ma'am we'll be there just hold on tight" "BE HERE ASAP" "We are dumbass". Back to Sunny and Basil running for their lives, they hide in a bush, "OhgodOhgodOhgodOhgod we're gonna get arrested Sunny after 4 years they finally caught on to our crimes" Basil has a panic attack, "Shut up Basil that's cringy" Sunny looks at Basil in disgust, "Okay sorry" "SHH! I hear something" They hear walking, "Basil don't fucking move a muscle this could be the cops out to get us" Sunny moves the bush a bit, it was just a fox, Basil and Sunny stand up, "oh my GOD that was hot" basil said sweating his head off, "No shit we were just hiding in a tight bush, we've hid from them further we can hide from them again, you helped last time so what's our next move?" Sunny says, "I'll tell you once you stop being such an asshole for no reason" "OH IM SORRY FOR RUNNING FROM THE FUCKING COPS AND BEING HALF BLIND! WHY AM I HALF BLIND? CAUSE YOU RIPPED MY FUCKING EYE OUT!!" "I WAS STRESSED AND ABOUT TO KILL MYSELF CAUSE I FELT LIKE I RUINED IT ALL AND I DIDN'T WANT TO FEEL THE FEELING OF YOU LEAVING ME AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGA-" "BASIL SHUT THE FUCK UP" "AGAIN AND AGAIN!! YOU ABANDONED EVERYONE AT LEAST I MADE AN EFFO-" "SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP" "EFFOT TO TRY AND BE THERE FOR EVERYONE INSTEAD OF SLEEPING MYSELF AWAY FROM REALITY!!" "BASIL SERIOUSLY SHUT THE FUCK UP" "WELL WELCOME TO REALITY BITCH ITS NOT SO WELCOMING AND NICE THAN YOUR DREAMS" "BASIL!!" "WHAT SUNNY" "WE'RE FUCKING SURROUNDED!!" "...Oh shit" they were infact, surrounded by the police. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP WE'VE GOT YOU SURROUNDED" Sunny and basil felt their stomachs drop as they put their hands up and sunny gets shoved onto the ground and gets handcuffed and basil joins him on the ground, as sunny and basil look at each other on the ground they share a glance, they then got forced into cop cars.Sunny stares at the ground, "It's over, they finally caught us. My mom is gonna fucking kill me" He starts having a panic attack as no one is there to snap him out of it cause its cringy, he puts his shaking hand over his mouth. "Kid we're here get the fuck out" the cop yells at him "OH MY FUCKING GOD GIVE ME A SECOND" a second passes and he comes out, still shaking he goes into the building and gets fingerprinted plus the mugshot. He gets put in a weird cold room, "Hey, so we're gonna have to do something just bare with us, first of all what's your name?" "I-I'm Sunny SquarePants" "...Alrighty then what's your address?" "We're moving but currently I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque New Mexico 87104" "Okay Mr. SquarePants, when were you born" "On July 16 of 198x" "Okay, we've assigned you a cell and a cell partner, but you also have to get some other stuff done, if your lucky enough you'll get a chance to make a call, have fun" Sunny still has a worried look, then another person enters the room after the lady left. "Hi! So we have to do a interview on you, this won't take too long, to begin you've said it's been a bit since you murdered your sister, right?" "Yeah its been about 4 years" Sunny looks at the roof, "Was there any kind of motive?" "No, I had and still have bad anger issues, my sister was stressing me out and I threw my old violin down the stairs and i wanted to go downstairs and she jumped to block me and, I pushed her down", "Noted, so have you ever had any diagnosed health issues?" "No, man look I just wanna get out here" "You will just in a years" "That's gay" "Your gay" the guy runs out "I hate gay people" sunny mutters to himself, he sat there for like several minutes till some dragged sunny out the room to get sent to his cell. "JOE ROGAN?!" Sunny says in shock, "Hey kid, what are you in for?" "For murdering my sister and beating up my friend who ended up winning the fight cause he ripped my fucking eye out" Sunny depressingly says, "Jesus Christ looking at you I thought you were gonna say trespassing or smoking weed" Joe Rogan says surprised, "What about you?" Sunny tilts his head in curiosity, "for assault and battery" Joe Rogan says, "But really they wanna arrest me for being AMERICAN" Sunny looks at him, "Life around here isn't fun, that's for sure, do you want some lessons on how to fuck a bitch up?" "Sure Joe Rogan!" Sunny jumps, "That's Mr. Rogan to you" "Sorry Mr. Rogan" "Now kid, lets begin, lets see what you know first ight?" they start fighting and obviously, Sunny loses cause he's half blind, "You're a beginner alright, lets begin with the starter lessons" Joe Rogan teaches Sunny how to fight as a half blinded man, he worked harder than any other student he had, I mean mostly cause Basil ripped out his eye but yeah you get what I mean. After the first day ended Joe Rogan pats Sunny's head "You have lots of potential, kid" Joe Rogan says before heading off to sleep, Sunny looks outside, the world looks so dull, he misses being with Kel, Sunny has learnt a lot today, but waits it going to lead him? He ruined the friend group so what's the point? "I wish I killed myself before any of this happened" sunny mutters to himself before going to bed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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Basil and sunny go to jail (WATTPAD VER)Where stories live. Discover now