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Cleo with a dazed look and blurry vision "Where are we...?"
Maze responds "Uh girl i dont know, how did we even get here"
Random mans voice ; "HEY SHUT UP BACK THERE!!"
Maze ; "Who the fuck?.."
Maze and Cleo look at eachother confused as hell.


For Maze and Cleo it all started in 6th grade year, First year of middle school.

Cleo walked into her first day of middle school, completely new to the area, anti-social as hell, and a middle-class Black girl. Of course, typically everyone had their new shoes, outfits, jewelry, and a million new school supplies. Everyone seemed to know exactly where to go but Cleo was CLUELESS! Eventually though she did find her way to the gym, with over 100+ students sitting in lines, connecting with people they recognized from elementary.
With Cleo being so antisocial and clueless to who anybody was she was scared and just tried to scooch in wherever she could fit. Of course a couple people acknowledged her, one girl even asked for a pen to borrow (Cleo never got the pen back btw)but Cleo didn't really see herself connecting with anyone. Until, she turned and realized somebody behind her, {Maze🤗} looking mean as hell, but somehow, obviously they connected and would start a friendship for years to come.

Maze FirstDay PoV; Maze walked into her first day of middle school thinking "Where the hell am I going, where are all my friends and who are all these people, & why they staring at me like that?" Now, eventually she found her way into the gym. Maze sat in the back because, in her words "Ian feel like sitting In the front!🤣So I sat in the back so I can see and look at everything" Mazes personality was pretty much chill, antisocial, basically introverted until you get to know her, funny as helll. One person did interact with Maze, Charles, it was a brief interaction. Charles made a comment about Mazes shoes, Maze replied "shut up, that's why you look like a monkey, ugly ass" his friends laughed, and the interaction ended there. Eventually she saw Cleo walk into the gym and sit in front of her , in her mind she thought "She looks like a person I would get along with" Cleo said to Maze "hey, do you know anyone here?" And then the convo started from there, of course filled with laughter & an instant connection.

Adventures W Maze & Cleo(:Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon