The Dealer's Messenger

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Quick note: Hello! If you're reading this I would like to thank you, Thank you!!!. I was thinking about doing a mini series about Layla (the girl in the story) but I'm not sure I really want to write about people dying...  any way I hope you enjoy it even though it's only one story! Please let me know your thoughts about it and how to make it better! Or if I should continue it or not. I would love comments and any ideas! (If you don't mind)

The Dealer’s Messenger

The year before

            There was once a poor couple who lived in a tiny wooden shack with a small piece on land for crops but the soil was so poor very little would grow for them to eat.  They had two sons the first son was a hard worker who worked all day and night determined to get a better life for his family, his aspiration made his parents proud. But their second so wasn’t willing to lift a finger if there was no reward his parents would beg and plead but he would sigh and turn away telling them he was too weak.  One day while walking to work the first son met a daughter of a wealthy merchant as they talked they fell madly in love with one another. After deciding to marry the first son asked his parents for their blessings. They clapped and cried for joy for their first’s son for he found love and gave him their best wishes when asking the father of the daughter. The first son and the daughter went together into the father’s study taking each other’s hand the first son told the news to the father. At first the merchant disliked the idea of his daughter marring a poor man’s son but he had heard of the boy’s hard work and realized his daughter and money would be taken very well cared of when he passed away and allowed the marriage to proceed.  After hearing about the marriage the second son grew jealous of his brother’s luck and sat grim through the day of the ceremony.  Soon after the merchant became very ill and pasted away leaving all of his money and possessions to the first son.  The parents of the son’s became old and weak so he invited them stay with him sharing his wealth to his family and others in need but wouldn’t give anything to his brother. Becoming furious the second brother went to the mysterious villager who was known to have powers and grant wishes for but a price.  The man asked him what his wish was, the second son told him he wanted his brother dead so he could claim his wealth. The old man nodded and told him he could have it done by tomorrow night in return for his work the seconded son would have to give him part of his soul not all of it just a piece the seconded son agreed to this and signed the contract and went home singing happily. The next morning the seconded brother received news that his brother had fallen off a cliff into the ocean and that he had written that all of his belonging would go to him along with a small portion to his wife and parents.  The brother moved in right away while his brother’s wife moved out to live with her cousin who had agreed to let her parents in law come too. Having the mansion to himself he through a lavishing party carelessly spending his new found money to celebrate his fortune. The next day once all he guests had left there was a knock on the door. The brother opened the door to find the man standing on his door step. The man asked if he was pleased with his work the brother laughed and told him he had done a wonderful job and shut the door. The man knocked again and the brother once more opened it the man reminded the brother of the deal that he would give him his brother’s wealth for a piece of his soul the brother nodded and told him he remember but had no intention of paying him and slammed the door. The man called out that he would come by again next year on the day when the brother died and would ask again hoping he would reconsider. The brother walked off not heed to the man’s words and continued to enjoy his new found wealth as the day’s went by.

A year later

            The house was luminous in the darkness of the night laughter and music from within seeped out through the cracks of the window seals.  Nearby trees shook in the wind as fall began to slowly creep its way into town.  The girl stood in front of the mansion pondering if this was the right location. She looked down at the note in her hand on it was quick scribble of an address of the house she was supposed to go to.  After double checking the golden numbers above the door and the black ones scribbled on the crinkled note a feeling of anticipation grew inside her she couldn’t wait to get started  giggling she walked up the steps and let herself in like any other guest from the village would have.

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