Forever home?

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I hid under a car, hoping they would leave after a while but one of the infected was smart enough to check under the car I was hiding under, I crawled from under the car and ran into the woods and hide in a bush until the infected corpse walked past it 

(30 minutes later) 

I was walking in the woods until I saw a deer, I hid in another bush and shot it's neck with my crossbow, killing the deer in a instant, I then pick up the deer and walk until I see a house that looks no where close to abandoned but was empty and it had a barn on the property, I enter the house 

N: is anybody here, in completely harmless I promise 

No answer

N: anybody?

I explore the house to see that it was abandoned, I put my deer on the table and made dinner out of it 

(After dinner) 

I enter the bathroom, close the door and take a shower and it was as luxurious as the CDC showers 

(After the shower) 

I enter the master bedroom and lie down on the bed and fell fast asleep without a worry in this cruel world 

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