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"You are not leaving me here while you go out to save my husband!" my voice boomed through the bar. Henri had a black duffel bag over his shoulders and a black baseball cap on his head looking the definition of covert. While Enzo on the other hand wore a red leather jacket with blue jeans. The men together couldn't be more opposed besides the fact that they were both attempting to leave me here alone while they went out on a rescue mission to save my husband.

"Elle, I think for once that the guys have the right of way. I mean with your condition and all..." Camilla tried to explain.

"My husband is the reason why I am in this condition, which is another reason why I should go along with you!" I yell.

"The longer it takes for you to get your head around the fact that you are not going, the more torture your precious one could be going through. I understand you want to save him yourself but with all due respect, you will only hold us back. You are staying. Henri, Camilla, is in the car now. We haven't got all day." Enzo grinds out.

Obediently, Camilla and Henri exited the bar and made their way to the truck. "I will bring your husband back to you," Enzo vows.

"Jean-Pierre, make sure the missus is okay," Enzo says before he too exits the bar.

We were then left alone.

So many emotions overtook my body that I couldn't control the tears that poured from my eyes. I felt so ashamed at the fact that I was crying again.

I was learning the hard way that being strong was a full-time job.

I hear shuffling in the room and the sound of something heavy and metallic hitting wood. I pull my head from my hands and see Jean-Pierre sitting on the bar stool with a gun in his hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask as he pulls out another gun from behind the counter.

Jean-Pierre picks up both the guns and comes from behind the bar, all the while the cigar in his mouth still burned.

He nods his head to a door that I hadn't been through yet. I follow hesitantly as he leads us into darkness. A light flickers and I realize we are in a garage, a large black van sits in the middle, looking obnoxiously new.

"We go get your husband," Jean-Pierre says as he walks over to the driver's side. I wasted no time climbing in the passenger side as the garage door slowly opened.

Jean-Pierre hits one of the guns in my lap as he puts the van in gear and starts.

"Twelve bullets. Make them count."

I pick up the heavy gun and hold it close, "What made you change your mind?" I asked.

"My mind was never settled. I don't understand why you should not be with your husband. I am a sucker for love." Jean-Pierre grunts.

"How do you know where they're headed?" I asked.

"When you don't talk, you're forced to listen," Jean-Pierre said and that was the last thing that we had managed to say the rest of the ride.

I kept letting my brain play over all of the possibilities of what I would be walking into. I could be walking into a room with my husband's dead body. I could see Giuseppe's betrayal in real-time.

The car slows and Jean-Pierre looks over to me, "Are you ready?" he asks.

"I suppose," I murmur as I opened up the door. Jean-Pierre climbs out also and I see that we are standing outside of a large warehouse, though it looked quite empty.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. I should've seen Enzo or Camilla.

"Perhaps they have been captured. We are the new rescue team." Jean-Pierre says, "An old man and a young pregnant woman, the perfect team."

I Married a Gangster [2018 Edition]: Fan Favorite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now