Chapter 32

32 1 7

Sebastian's pov

"AVA!" I yelled as she finished taking in the magic and her body was flung backwards from the force.

I shoved her father out of the way and ran to wear Ava was laying unconscious. I practically slid to my knees as I got down next to her and checked her for a pulse.

"Ava.." she didn't react right away which made me begin to panic again. But then she began coughing making her sit up and hit her chest.

I let out a long sigh before patting her back. "You're okay.."

She looked at me and all I could do was stare at her bright red eyes. They continued to glow until she blinked a few times giving me a confused look.

"Look.." she began, "I know you told me not too.. but it would have been worse if my father got to it."

I was about to say something when a basic cast landed at Ava's feet making us both jump. Ava jumped to her feet and pulled me up as she did.

As we both stood her father threw another cast Al that Ava effortlessly blocked. He wildly threw spells at us. Even stronger ones but Ava just kept blocking as if they were nothing more then a basic cast.

I was kinda making me feel a certain way.

"That is mine! Even if I have to torture it out of you I'll do it. I did it when you were a child I can do it again."

That began to make me angry but Ava didn't even seemed phased. "I don't even have memories of that."

She shot a basic cast at him but it was so strong his body flew back against the wall making the rock around him crack.

"Fuck, Ava.." I muttered in shock at how strong that was.

"Ava!" A shrill voice screamed finally get a reaction out of Ava. Her mother ran in in her heels and long black gown. She glanced at the two of us briefly before running to her husbands side.

"How dare you try to take another loved one from me. Don't you feel a little guilt?"

Ava stuttered a bit as her mother waited for an explanation.

"You kill your baby sibilings, make your older brother resent us and now you try to kill your own father. You should be ashamed."

It was then I noticed her small white wand in her hand as it pointed at Ava. She began yelling at her more in French but what ever she said was hitting a nerve with Ava.

"I'm..sorry." Ava said so softly I don't even think her parents heard her.

"I'll be back for that which is mine." Her father grumbled as he finally got to his feet. "The second you leave the school grounds, it will be mine."

And with that both the La Fey parents aparated out of the room. Ava was still standing there with her wand out.

"Ava?" I asked touching her shoulder softly.

She jumped a bit at my touch  before turning around and putting her wand away. As she looked up at me I completely forgot that she had just absorbed an extreme amount dark ancient magic. She looked so small for a moment while the words of what ever her mother had said to her sunk in.

I didn't even ask what she said I just pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly. I could feel her tears making my shirt a bit wet as she hid her face in my chest.

"Alright, my love, it's okay."  She pulled back and I quickly used sleeve to wipe away her tears and the little bit of snot dripping from her nose. "She said some pretty nasty stuff just now, yeah?"

She nodded.

"Ah, fuck her then. You don't need her. We'll find you a new mum." I pulled her into another hug as Poppy ran into the room.

"Professor Weasley is coming! We have to clean up."  Poppy quickly glanced at the lack of a repository but shook her head to get herself back to the matter at hand. "I'll do the map chamber you guys do the entrance to in here."

Ava stood up straight, "I can handle it all." She walked back into the map chamber and after she made sure we were with her she took her wand out. "Reparo,"

What would usually take a few people to fix Ava completely repaired within seconds. Poppy's jaw was on the floor as she watched her best friend.

Just as she finished Professor Weasley hurried into the room. "What are you three doing-" she stopped when she saw the three of us standing in the middle of the map chamber. She eyes everything a bit too suspiciously at how it looked. "You three.. are beginning to be a pain in my back. What were you all doing down here."

"They wanted to see the map chamber." Ava lied to effortlessly.

"Why we are you and Mr. Sallow out of breath and why does he look like he lost a fight?"

Ava looked at me quickly before turning back to Weasley. "I beat him up."

That was the best she could come up with.

I held back an eye roll and a laugh as Weasley sighed, "Miss La Fey. I'm going to give you detention. I'm not sure what for yet. But I'm going to give it to you. See you tomorrow at 9 pm."

I raised my hand, "professor Weasley,"

She raised an eye brow at me. "Yes Mr. Sallow?"

I pinched Poppy who turned looked at me and pinched me back. "I hurt Miss Sweeting."

"I pinched him back." Poppy added.

Professor Weasley didn't even want to respond. "Fine. If you want detention so badly. I'll see you all tomorrow night at nine."

As she left Ava looked at us confused. "Why did you two do that?"

"We wouldn't want you to have all the fun in detention alone." I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder as the three of us began the walk back up to the school.

As Ava walked ahead a little Poppy eyed me. She wanted to know what happened.

"Let's get Ava to sleep first. She's probably exhausted."


Poppy stayed back a bit to give Ava and I a bit of privacy.

Ava was looking up at me with a guilty look in her eyes.

"I understand why you did it." I said before she could apologize. "We'll find a way to help you.. adjust. But neither of us really know what we are doing."

She let out a big sigh of relief. "Thank you Sebastian."

I smiled and leaned down placing a kiss on her lips. When we kissed there was the tiniest little sting on my lips but I ignored it thinking it was probably just me being sore from earlier.

"No Matter what happens." I lifted her chin. "I love you."

She smiled as a soft blush appeared on her cheeks, "I love you."

She walked into the Hufflepuff common room as Poppy came and stood next to me.

"What happened?" Poppy asked. She looked like she really didn't want the answer.

"Let's go somewhere we can talk in private.. this is a long story."

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