Faramund's Fables

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Everyone longs for their own adventure. For their own story to be told and found by fellow travellers between the pages of a book. It is only human. 

Some hear that call so strongly that they can't hardly stand it and off they go on the hunt. If they are lucky, they'll find  Faramund's Fables. 

In medium town on a moderatley busy street in the middle of the business district is a family owned suit shop. If the faded blue and yellow awnings weren't enought to frighten potential customers away, the products on display would. The manikins, yellowing with age, sport garish suits of any bright color imaginable. Those who are brave enough to enter -- the color blind or curious children -- don't stay long.  

There is also a chocolatier's shop that specializes in a mint ganache truffle so addictive, that all the customers looking to shop small, enter. They are not dissappointed. The chocolate is world class. In spite of it's populatiry, the shop never seems to be able to grow any bigger. 

Beyond that is an eccentric art shop that has every supply an artist could possibly need. Though, it's main customers are the frantic parents of elementary school students that forgot to tell their parents of a project for school, or the two high schools's art teachers in need of more clay. 

Then a small garden center who's array of houseplants is truly impressive. It also boasts an astonishing number of garden gnomes. 

If you've made it to this end of the street you've already missed it. 

Faramund's is tucked between the suit shop and the chocolatiers. From the outside, it looks like perhaps another entrance to the suit shop. Though the awning is obviously red and white,  and the door is highly unusual. Painted midnight blue, and shaded by the awning, it is easy to miss the carved inlay of mountains, woods, and stars or the fine silver lettering over the entrance. 

If you happened to walk in, you might be expecting a terribly skinny, alley sized shop. From the outside, that is all you are taught to expect. Instead,  the narrow entryway widens into a cavernlike space that is filled floor to ceiling with books. 

Faramunds is a labrynth of rooms, staircases and nooks each promising a new adventure. And there in the middle of the maze is the register and at that register is a young lady with wild curly black hair, flashing hazel eyes and a knowing smile. That is Zephyrine Zulan Faramund, and she is the curator of this bookshop. If you are curious, kind, and ask politley, Zeezee will help you find just what sort of adventure you are looking for. 

The shadow of a cat might be seen along the balconies and a whisper of magic might tingle your neck hairs. If you manage to make your way to those special books around the store and open the well turned pages, you may manage to get a wink from Zeezee as your adventure begins. 

A book can take you anywhere, and in Faramunds, that is a literal truth. 

Opening up *Treasure Island* by Robert Louis Stevenson will land you on a ship in the high seas navigating with Jim the treacherousness of Long John Silver.  If you open up *Bloomability* by Sharon Creech, you will land in a boarding school in the Alps.  

But this story isn't about our next adventure, though you are welcome to come along for the ride. Our heroine is Zeezee, though she doesn't know it quite yet. Faramunds is just where our magical story starts. 

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