scott x liam

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Today's been going by so slowly its killing me. I have nothing to do,  nowhere to go, and don't get me wrong I love staying home but god I hate staying home all the time and that's how it's been all week.

Scott came over once to see how I was doing, but I haven't heard from him since five days ago, and I feel kinda worried that mabye I did something wrong or said something to upset him.

I got up and got some clothes because why not take a shower I haven't in a bit anyway. All I could think about was Scott, Scott, Scott, it was no matter what I did I could only think about him. I got out of the shower and put my clothes on and some deodorant. I put some cologne on and I walk back to my room. I got on my phone for about twenty minutes and layed it down and tried to sleep.

'I wish Scott was here' is all I could think about before almost falling asleep until I heard a knock on my bedroom window. I slowly sat up and got my claws out just in case and my eyes started glowing orange. I opened my curtains to see "Scott" I said in surprise. I opened the window and let him in.

"Heyyy wow big guy it's me" Scott said.

I started heating up what the hell, where has he been all this time.

"You fuck, I've been worried that I have done something wrong cause you haven't been here for a while. What the hell scott" mabye I was overreacting, but he could have texted me or something.

"Dude chill, I've been busy alright, doing pack meetings, killing hunters that have been after us for a while now, I just haven't got the chance to text you or call, I'm sorry. You okay though" Scott said. A tint of worry in his voice.

"I-whatever it's fine. Why did you come here anyway" I said. My claws going away and my eyes fading back to my original blue eye color.

"Liam, your no-" Scott stopped in his tracks when he smelled a sent that he hasn't smelled in a while. "Liam are you...are you horny?"

"What NO! No im not just irritated" I said. Shit why do I have feelings for him he's so hot.

After about almost a minute went by Scott came up to me slowly. "What..what are you doing" I said nervous, feeling my heart quicken.
"Liam, I'm not stupid, I can smell the arousal coming off of you and i can hear your heart beating faster and faster" Scott said with a slight smirk.

I start to back up step by step, not out of fear but out of nervousness. "Is someone nervous?" Scott said coming closer to me until I was pinned against the wall with scotts hand on the wall to my left. "I- i swaer- I can explain" I said. My eyes started to glow a dark color orange. 'Damn it, stop it Liam' I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, but when I felt Scott's breath hit my ear, I couldn't help but let out a soft moan leaning my head back against the wall.

"You want me don't you, you want me to fuck you speechless. Seeing how your eyes are glowing really goes to show you how much you want me" Scott says up against my ear making me bite my lip hard. "Scott~" I moaned feeling his right leg in between my legs rubbing lightly.

"You like that. You like it when I touch you" scott says staring at me. I look back at him and my fangs slightly come out. "Ughmmm~" Scott groaned seeing how aroused I was getting. "Scott~Oh fuckkkk" I moaned louder feeling his leg move faster up against my dick. He went towards my neck and bit down hard on my sweet spot making me moan even more.

He stopped, picked me up and threw my on my bed. I always felt like it was wrong for a beta to like, or have sex with an alpha but I don't give a shit anymore.

He took off his shirt and threw it on the floor, his eyes starting to glow bright red. 'Fuck he's so damn hot I can't take it' I thought. He leaned over me and grabbed the bottom of my shirt making me maon from him brushing his fingers against my very lower stomach close to my dick. "MmMmm want me to do that again" Scott says.

"F-fuck yes" Scott gently rubbed my very lower stomach again, but went under the sweat pants I was wearing and brushed his fingers against the tip of my cock making me almost kitten moan. Scott looked at me and I could tell by my maons he was getting more hard by the second. He grabbed my cock and pumped it while staring at me with his bright red eyes. I threw my head back hard from the pleasure.

Scott got his thumb and started tapping the tip of my dick fast "UGHhhhh~" I moaned at the feeling. I bit on his shoulder drawing blood. "UHHGmm" Scott moaned.

I loved pain during sex but not to much. "someone has a pain kink during sex doesn't he" Scott says.
I nodded my head and said. "Not to- to rough"

"I won't I promise" Scott says. Scott starts kissing me roughly and I kiss back slipping my tongue in. He starts to quicken his pace and I start to arch my back off the bed feeling that feeling in my stomach. "S-scot I'm going to- cum" I maon out.

"Cum for Liam" he says going rougher until I come undone. My cum shoots on scotts hand and Scott groans while I did so. I kiss him roughly and flip us over so I was the dominant one. I took my shirt off and started kissing down scotts chest listening to him moan my name "liam~uhhh" I reach his nipple and put it in my mouth causing Scott to arch his back of the bed.

My hand slips underneath his Jeans and I strock his cock fast. "OH Fuckkk" Scott moans. I lean back up and kiss him again. He puts his hand on the side of my face squeezing his eyes shut. I strock him fast and hard making his eyes glow like crazy and his fangs come out slightly. "You fucking like that" I said into scotts ear making him nod and maon at the same time.

Scott grips the bed sheets and moans louder getting closer to Cumming. "L-oh fuck liam..I'm going to cum holy HelL~" I stroked faster and faster.

"Cum for me alpha" is all it took and Scott was cumming.

Scott started kissing me and we both did for about two minutes straight full of love. Me and Scott layed there in comfortable silence as we both were almost asleep.

"Night Scott. I love you"

"I love you to little beta"


I hope I did okay lmfao. Hope you enjoyed. Again, these are all smut, if your uncomfortable with that please leave this book. Thank you :)

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