The Yati

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Okay, here's a bonus part I forgot. It probably happened before Arjun met (was kidnapped) by Uloopi. 

So, Arjun went to Rameshwaram as soon as his exile began. He wandered all the way where there was a bridge of rocks where India connected Sri Lanka.

Arjun asked himself loudly - "Why did lord Ram bother to make a bridge out of rocks when he could have just made a bridge of arrows ?"

An old voice answered "Because the bridge of arrows cannot hold the weight of monkeys"

Arjun turned to see an old monkey. He suspected he was not what he seemed. But, undaunted he answered "Ha! Then let's make a bet. If I am able to make a bed of arrows and it dosen't break then you have to give up your life. If it does break then I will give up my life."

The old monkey agreed. Arjun built a bridge of arrows with ease. The monkey just placed its foot on it and the bridge collapsed. Arjun was shocked.

Arjun - Let me try again.

The monkey agreed. Arjun once again built a bridge, which was stronger than before. The monkey was unable to break the bridge. He thought - "I must change my form the way I did to rescue Mata Sita."  The old monkey attained the divine form of his, which he had attained to rescue Mata Sita.

Arjun did not lose courage (duh. Why would he ? He's Arjun).

Arjun - Now try to break my bridge God Hanuman.

Hanuman jumped up and down and broke the bridge. As per the deal, Arjun had to give up his life. He built a pyre and was about to enter it when -

A voice - Wait.

Arjun and Hanuman turned to find themselves face-to-face with a young boy.

Boy - What's going on here ?

Arjun and Hanuman explained him the whole scenario.

Boy - But you cannot give up your life. There was bo witness to see Arjun being defeated.

Hanuman - Then what should we do ?

Boy - Arjun must build another bridge again and you must try to break it again.

Both agreed. Arjun rebuilt the bridge and Hanuman went to break it. But. The bridge did not break. Hanuman turned into the largest form he possibly could but not even a singke arrow broke.

Both turned to look at that boy in amazment.

Hanuman (thinks) - How foolish I have been ? This is no one but the Lord himself.

Arjun too, came to the same conclusion, only there was a slight difference

Arjun and Hanuman together rush and kneel to touch the Lord's feet while saying at the same time -

Hanuma - Rama !

Arjun - Krishna !!

And the boy , the Lord in disguise, blessed both of them while showing them his combined form. He had a peacock feather on his head, a basuri in one hand signifying he was Krishna and, he had a bow in another and wore a simple sanyasi outfit, signifying he was Ram.

The End.

Now on with our regular story....

Arjun reached Dwarka, disguised as a yati. He was wandering around when he came face-to-face with Krishna.

Krishna - (a bit loudly) Parth ! What are you doing here ?

Arjun (while hushing Krishna down) - Please Madhav ! I want to marry your sister. If I don't I'll probably go crazy in lovesickness.

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