9. In Which Wangji (willingly) Goes To A Social Gathering.

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Wangji sat upright in bed as Cloud Recesses grew ever quieter. His senses told him it was nine o'clock, but he couldn't sleep now, he had work to do. Going over to his belonging, he grabbed his Qiankun pouch that was now stained with soil, mushed begonias and a few other undesirable things.

I might need a new one, he thought as he rummaged through it.

After a moment, he pulled out a pair of black and orange robes. He wasted no time in slipping them on. Looking down at himself, he now had the appearance of a somewhat well-off young master.

They were average robes, but the point was not to garner too much attention.

Taking his sword, he opened the window and slipped outside.

Weaving his way through the courtyards, he escaped Cloud Recesses with ease. Not wasting a moment, he opted to hop on his sword and fly down the mountain instead of walking down the endless stone steps.

It's safe to say that if there were rules and speed limits in place for sword-flying, Wangji would have received about eighty tickets right there and then.

Wangji arrived at the docks and waited patiently. After a few minutes, a small canopy boat came by right on queue.

The nine fifteen one way to Tangshan.

As it stopped at the dock like it always did, Wangji pulled up his neckline so that half of his face was now covered by the orange fabric.

Without so much as a word, he stepped onto the boat and handed the ferryman two silver taels.

The man simply tipped the edge of his shoddy-looking sedge hat in thanks and started rowing.

The journey to Tangshan was rather speedy, they were on a good current, Wangji could tell as he dipped his hand into the water from time to time as the river mouth got wider and wider.

They were closely followed by a group of minnows, which Wangji could see under the surface of the water.

He gave the slightest of smiles as he dipped his hand in again, and the minnows seemed to be drawn in.

The lights of Tangshan were in sight now. They'd arrive in about ten minutes or so, so Wangji mentally prepared himself as they started passing boats as the river mouth got smaller.

Despite the similarities between Tangshan and CaiYi Town, the former is known for its boisterous inhabitants who often stay up late.

Wangji carefully weaved his way through the busy stalls, his sword held underneath his long sleeve, doing his utmost to be inconspicuous.

The Opiant Tavern, The Opiant Tavern, where was it?

How hard could it be to find?

Apparently, hard. Ten whole minutes had passed, and he still had no clue as to where it was.

But his introverted self would be damned before he asked anyone for directions.

He was about to give up and have a small mental breakdown right then and there when, if by god's grace or hell's punishment, he heard a voice from behind him.

"Young Master Wang!" Li Choujiao's rumbustious voice called out as the man came bundling towards him.

Wangji wasn't too sure how he managed to recognize him, despite his best efforts against that.

"Ah, I knew it was you, good fellow! There isn't a single person in Tangshan who stands as stiffly as you do!" Li Choujiao laughed while he jovially patted Wangji on the back.

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