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"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."― T.S. Eliot

I stood in front of my full length mirror, examining what I was wearing and contemplating if it was too much or not.

My hair was styled in a different state, straight as it flows down my waist as opposed to my usual wavy hair. I was wearing a tweed two piece set from the family's stylist. It was all black with the top being a cropped long-sleeved blazer with two white buttons at the front and the bottom was a high-waist short with buttons at the side. I paired it with a white turtleneck underneath, black sheer tights and my white Mary Jane platforms.

"Araminta, we're going to be late!" I didn't know how long I was staring at the mirror but my dad's booming voice from outside brought me back to my senses.

"Coming!" I yelled back before grabbing on a white thick hair band and spraying on some perfume before taking one last look at my room.

To be honest, I have dreamt about this moment a thousand times, me leaving for something big, in this case, Hogwarts. But I never thought it was actually coming true.

"Oh, finally." My mother muttered as she gestured for one of our house elves to carry my trunk to the car.

We were going to King's Cross with an enchanted car since apparition wasn't really the best options for times like these, especially since my mom said it would ruin my hair and we wanted to make a good impression.

The ride there was silent, I was honestly too nervous and excited at the same time that I was afraid that if I spoke, I would hurl all the contents of my stomach out. I was nervously drumming my fingers on my thigh as I sat in the backseat, watching the clouds go by our window as we zoomed in the sky. Of course, it wouldn't be an enchanted car if it wasn't invisible.

What if I don't live up to my parents' expectations?

What if I fail my classes since I'm already far behind?

Wait- am I far behind? I mean I'm homeschooled but what if they're learning different things than what I was taught?

Will I be in Slytherin?

Will I make friends?

I was brought back to reality as I feel our car stopping to what seemed like the train station. This is it.

My dad carried my trunk and found a trolley to put it in as we find the platform which was not very easy since my parents hasn't been here for a very long time.

There were lots of muggles around and my mother honestly looked a little sick as a few bumped into us, not knowing how much power my family holds.

We entered the platform without drawing attention to us and I can see my mother visibly relax as we were back in the Wizarding world.

"Mom, Dad!" We heard an all too familiar voice as we walked towards one of the entrance of the train. "Took you guys long enough."

As my brother released me from his hug, I can see people staring at us and whispering as the sight of us was a confirmation of the rumors that has been circulating the Wizarding World. A Du Pont was attending Hogwarts.

The train whistle signaling the last minute was heard throughout the station making my mother throw her arms around me.

"Oh my baby." She wept as she broke the hug placing a kiss on my cheek. "I will miss you so much, my love."

"I'll miss you too, mom." I murmured as I went to hug my dad. "You too, dad."

"Have fun but not too much okay?" He kissed my forehead. "And don't forget to write us a letter about your first day and what house you're in."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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