Chapter 33

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Surprisingly the next few days were almost normal. If you ignore the fact that Sebastian and Poppy kept eyeing me as if I was about to murder someone who looked at me wrong.

I'm pretty sure my father had bruised my head when he hit me with his wand. And Sebastian has just casually not brought up the fact that he killed Victor Rookwood.

Sebastian was openly not paying attention in class and staring at me as I tried to take notes. His hand was placed firmly on my knee. Every time I'd adjust myself in my seat his grip would tighten slightly as if to reassure me his hand is still there.

"Sebastian.. I'm fine." I mumbled without looking away from professor Ronan's lecture.

"I know." His face was being supported in his other hand. "The sun light is streaming in and it hits you perfectly."

I could feel my face getting red. "Shouldn't you be taking notes?"

"I'll get them from you later."

"Or.. I won't give them to you." I smiled.

His smile dropped a little, "hey, that's not fair. You owe me. You are too distracting with you beauty." I rolled my eyes and finally glanced at him. He pretended to gasp silently, "ah there she is. My beautiful girl."

"Mr. Sallow, I don't mean to break your concentration but class is the complete opposite direction in which you are looking." Professor Ronan called out making Sebastian turn towards class. He almost looked in pain as he turned back around.

"Ah, very good now I can see your shining face. I'm sure Miss La Fey would be so greatful to hear about the lecture, especially with NEWTS at the end of the year."

I looked down at my notes for a moment. I had completely forgotten about those. I'm not sure how. I have been fighting my family since I returned. I wonder how Newt has been. I did kinda ditch him while he was helping Dumbledore with Grindelwald. I wonder how that went?

"Oh dear, looks like we just lost Miss La Fey in her own head." Ronan sighed I defeat bringing me back to reality. "Why don't we end class a tad early it seems other as well, don't want to learn the importance of the impervius charm today.."

As the students all got up and began to leave Sebastian glanced at me, "how did you zone out so fast?" He laughed at me.

"I started thinking about one thing, then another and then I must have forgotten where I was." As I stepped out of the class a student ran into me making me drop my book and making the student throw a bunch of parchment in the air. I let out an "oof" as she ran into me so fast.

Sebastian steadied me as the girl stumbled back. I pretended that I didn't notice Sebastian staring at my eyes to see if they change color at all.

"I'm sorry!" The girl hurried to grab all her parchment as other students stepped on them and continued with their day.

"No, I should have been watching." I took my wand out and with a swish all the parchment floated together in a neat pile.

Sebastian helped the girl up while I picked up the parchment and handed it to her.

"I hope none of your work is ruined.." I said softly.

"It's okay. Thank you, I'll try to look out better."  And with that the girl ran off.

I sighed watching her run off. "I would have loved to be a student here when I was her age."

Sebastian took my hand as we continued down the hall. "It wasn't that great." He shrugged.

"It had to be better then no-maj school."

"I mean.. i was taught at home before Hogwarts so I wouldn't even know."

"It's only arithmetic and writing."  I shivered at the thought of math.

"Did you have muggle friends?" He asked, now curious.

"I mean knew Newts friend, Jacob. But I wasn't really entirely allowed friends.. or anything nice for that matter when I was little." I thought back to the time I had shown my parents how good I had done on tests at school and they shamed me for not doing well enough to get into a magic school.

"I'm sorry.." I realized we had stopped walking and Sebastian was giving me a sad look.

"Don't feel sorry for me." I playfully smacked his shoulder. "I turned out okay."

Just ignore, killing ranrok, having to kill my sister, almost going to Azkaban and absorbing dark ancient magic, I thought to myself.

"Have you tried using it?" Sebastian asked catching me off guard.

"The magic? Merlin, no. I don't even want it. I just didn't want my father to have it."

Sebastian leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I just don't want you to loose yourself."

I looked out a near by window and saw something white flutter by.

"Snow.." Sebastian looked in the same direction and smiled.

"What do you know? Usually the snow doesn't start till the last week of November. Not the middle. Speaking of, are you going to be leaving again for that American holiday? Thanksgiving?"

I looked at Sebastian completely confused.

"You did it our fifth year..."

"Oh. I was lying my family has never celebrated that even though we live in America. I just stayed in the room of requirement for a week because I was studying for the OWLS and I did one of the keepers trails."

Sebastian looked dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry.. I thought you knew I wasn't being serious." I stood on my toes trying to kiss his forehead but all I got was the top of his nose.

"Not even when you were in hiding?"

"Well, Queenie and Tina made me go one year. I just learned turkey wasn't really something I liked."

I still remember Queenie making sure I ate every last bite of my food. It was one of the first times I had felt like someone was a mother to me. Even if it didn't last long. After I ate she told me I was too full to go home and made a bed for me to sleep on on the couch.

"I would like to go to America." Sebastian stated.

"Im not entirely sure how you'd enjoy America today. But maybe when we are older we can go. At least I'll know where stuff is by then."


This chapter and next chapter should be pretty light. And the twist that's coming soon will hopefully be to your liking. 🫠

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