Prom Queen

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Prom queen


I am a 25 year old girl that wants to change society's point of view that there has to be a "beauty standard"

Unfortunately, as an overweight girl with brown hair and brown eyes I have all eyes on me and I want to put an end to that, not that I care about it of course but other people that are like me do... unfortunately, mid way I will be judged by everybody but that will never make me stop

Chapter one

Ever just wish you were just half as cool as the gen z generation prom queens? Skinny, perfect body, perfect face and they are typically perfect

Well, me too... but unfortunately when you are overweight and have brown eyes and brown hair you are unaccepted by society... society is very toxic and my dream is to change the point of view of it and I will do that in my 26th birthday this year...hopefully

Anyways, let me tell you a bit about my self . My name is Mai Omar Ahmed; I am a 25 year old Egyptian girl that is always judged by society just because of my weight and that nothing about me matches the beauty standards and just the fact that there are beauty standards in the world is very depressing. I have 5 brothers

Ahmed, Amr, Khaled, Seif and Khedr

Ahmed is the oldest (31 years old)

and the most supportive, he is very tall and has brown long hair.
Ahmed is kind,caring and so thoughtful and sweet. He is my role model, I love him! His personality is similar to mine in every way possible. He is the only extrovert in the boys.

Amr is 2 years younger than Ahmed (29 years old) but he is not very mature and always acts with his heart even in the cases needed to act with his mind. He has short straight hair he is the tallest of them all, he is the darkest (dark olive skin-tone) and is an introvert

Khaled is the youngest (21 years old) but he is the most mature of them surprisingly and he is always wise. He is blonde and has green eyes, pale skin and is the shortest, he is an introvert

Seif is older than me by 2 years (27 years old) and he is totally against my dream and thinks it is just a waste of time, he is a little bit tall, not very pale and has long curly hair (similar to Ahmed's hair)

I have 3 sisters:

Mariam, Aya and Salma

Mariam is the oldest of the girls (29 years old) and the kindest... she is my best friend

Aya is the youngest (16 years old) and the most patient.. she is one of my role models because I have no patience at all

Salma is the middle in the girls and the rudest... I have no idea where she got these genes from

Let me introduce my plan:

On my 26th birthday we have prom in college in honor to our graduation party being this year, I am faculty of engineering and I am very good at what I do and I love it.

Anyways, I will convince everyone to vote for me ( I will give them 100$) ,this way I am  guaranteed to win because everyone in my college is very honest.  Once I win, sense my college is very popular it will be filmed and every obese girl that is insecure will be confident and the beauty standards will be gone forever

Chapter 2

The reason that I am having doubts about my plan working is that my image will not be good... people will not look at me as just a girl with a dream that will be beneficial and very essential in 2023.

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