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In the depths of our hearts lies a story untold,

A tale of misperception, a story so old.

We judge what we see, and think we understand,

But often we miss the truth, our perception so bland.

We think we know people, we think we see clear,

But our vision is clouded, our judgement is near.

We label and categorize, we judge and we hate,

But do we truly know, the person we berate?

We see the surface, the outside of things,

But fail to look deeper, where the true beauty rings.

We see flaws and imperfections, and turn our gaze away,

But fail to see the beauty, that lies within the fray.

We label people as evil, as villains in our minds,

But fail to see the suffering, the struggles that bind.

We judge without mercy, we condemn without thought,

But fail to see the good, the battles they've fought.

Misunderstood and misjudged, we all have been,

At one point or another, in this world so keen.

We must learn to see beyond, the surface so rough,

And see the beauty, in the people we rebuff.

We must listen with our hearts, and see with our soul,

To truly understand, and make each other whole.

For in this world of chaos, we all need love,

To heal the wounds of the past, and rise above.

So let us be kind, and let us be true,

And let us see the beauty, in each other anew.

For in the end, it's love that will guide,

And heal the wounds of the past, where misunderstandings reside.

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