The birth

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POV Joey

Even though me and Ross were not talking so much, he brought the cream for Rachel's back and feet. They were swollen and her back hurt. She was 1 week past her due date and the baby had the umbilical cord around her neck.

We had an appointment today and, of course, Ross came.

We tried to act normal, but it was hard. I was going to be his baby's stepfather.

He knew that because, in the beginning, he asked me if I would ever ask Rach to marry me, and I said yes. That was on my plans.

We lived for a month with Monica and Chandler so the apartment could be renewed and the smell could go away. We were prepared, we were happy.

But once again Ross wouldn't be the father he wanted to be. Present 100% of the time.

At the doctor, we heard from her that we could induce labor, but it would take long. Too long considering the baby was wrapped with the umbilical cord. Rachel immediately said she'd do a c-section for the sake of the baby, and Ross and I agreed.

We went home, packed our bags and, the next day, we were in the hospital.

"I'm terrified", said Rachel while Ross was doing the check-in. "Joey, I need you with me."

"Rach, no... you can't do that to Ross. It's his baby. Only one can come along with you."

"But I need you".

"Rach, you can do this. I'll be waiting for you here and we are gonna raise this baby with love and humility, I promise."


At this point, she was crying.

"Yes, and you know what? We are gonna buy a house in the suburbs and have more children."

"You wanna do all that with me?"

"And a lot more."

She eventually had the baby.

Monica suggested the name Emma, and there she was. Cute and tiny.

I went to see Rachel while the gang was with the baby in the nursery.

"How is she?", Rach asked when I entered the room. A nurse was plugging a needle in her arm.

"Beautiful. She's beautiful."

"I can't talk too much. Neither sit up. I'm all stitched up."

"You are gonna be okay."

I kissed her mouth gently.

"I love you."

"I love you more than you know, Joey, and I want us to be forever."

"You mean it?"


"Where do you wanna get married then?"

She smiled.

"Paris is fine."

Then, the baby came, and the nurses tried to make her latch on Rach's breast. I could see Chandler was uncomfortable, so I called him in the corridor.

"I kinda asked Rachel to marry me", I said.

"You what?"

"We're gonna get married. In Paris."

"Did you stop to think what this would do to Ross?"

I sighed.

"Look, man, I love Ross with all my heart, but I gotta live my life. And I love Rachel so much, and this baby... I know she's not mine, but I love her like she is. We will co-parent."

"Joey, I don't know..."

"What would you do if it was Monica? Would you stop loving her?"

He sighed.

"No, I wouldn't be able to."

"Same thing here, pal."

"Okay, then. I just hope he can forgive you someday."

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