Learn about the characters

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This is my first story and I just wanted to say some things about my characters. Also this amazing person helped me happy_Nappy_ella

Ashley -age:15 sexuality:pansexual. Pronounces: they/them Was born with rich parents and was expected to be perfect.  Gets abused by their homophobic mom and father has a sister who is "perfect" and everyone loves her.

Aidan - age: 15 sexuality:gay pronouns : he/him   Has been abused by his mother since he was 8. His father died of cancer when he was 6 his entire family is homophobic.

Connor -age : 17 sexuality : bisexual pronouns : he/him. Doesn't have a lot going on and has daddy issues.

Max- age:17 sexuality: bisexual and non binary pronouns :any they are the middle child and spends most of her time taking care of their mom when she comes back from work, She uses painting and drawing as an escape from reality.

Lucy- age: 17 sexuality : unlabeled pronouns: she/her is the only child that has a lot of responsibilities to take care of herself and parents, maybe smokes as a way to deal with stress and runs for fun? Idk this is just stuff

Collien-age:20 sexuality : lesbian pronouns : she/her  has always been know as a loser or someone with a black heart but once you get to know her you'll know she's very energetic

There are going to be more people mentioned but these are the people I think are going to be most important

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