I Still Fall for You like Suns Do for Skies

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Chapter 10 - Seb's POV

Sebastian had read the same page four times. 

He was sure it was four times because he could miraculously remember that and not the six paragraphs he kept reading over and over. Each time, his eyes would make it to Argentinian Darthorn's most common habitats and then slide right off the page and over to where Ella sat at the table. This was the most difficult book he'd ever read, and that was ridiculous by a long shot. His History of Magic textbook had been a far more boring read than a book about dragons. But, every time he thought about dragons, he thought about that dragon, and when he thought about that dragon, he thought about how she'd straddled him when they apparated and...

Sebastian had read the same page five times.

Five times? He was losing his touch. He rubbed his temple; this shouldn't have been nearly as difficult as he was making it.

He heard her book slam, but he was not reading that page a sixth time so he kept his eyes on it. Argentinian Darthorn's lived in sparse woodlands... Fuck it. "What's wrong?"

Ella didn't answer. Of course, she didn't; nothing she did ever made any sense, and when it started to resemble logic he'd be concerned. She was probably mad at him—when was she ever not?—over the little Weasley incident. She looked mad. It was just too tempting; he couldn't help it. He doubted it was even justifiable anger judging by the way she'd smiled when she walked back to him. If she hadn't smiled then he wouldn't have put his arm around her; Weasley didn't need Sebastian to kick him when he was already down.

But he did love to.

She stood in front of him, arms crossed, and a frown on her face. "What did you do to Garreth?"

It always felt like getting stabbed when she said his name.

Sebastian closed the book and left it leaning against his leg. He tapped the cover to keep his thoughts from spinning out of control. There was no way she knew about him breaking Weasley's arm. Anne and Ominis had been so on board with it being a secret. They wouldn't have said anything. Had Weasley? Surely he wasn't that stupid. "What gave you that idea?"

"Garreth has a simple mind. Potions are good, Quidditch is fun, and his friends are funny. Arguing with his mates over me is unheard of." Ella smiled. It wasn't happy. Sebastian knew what happy looked like on her lips, and it wasn't the way the corners pulled down and her bottom lip tucked. "So, what did you do?"

Maybe he should have broken another arm.

"We just had a little chat, Malfoy, no need to get all huffy at me."

"Stop it. I'm not mad." She'd rolled her eyes and they settled on the table where she'd left her book.

He didn't believe her. "You're not?"

Ella always raised her eyebrows just slightly when she lied. She was too telltale. Too transparent, and not in a pale way. It was the first thing Sebastian always looked for. Second, for the way she pushed her nose down like it might override the eyebrows. She didn't do either and it both surprised and intrigued him.

"It was starting to hurt my feelings, if I'm honest."

Definitely should have broken another arm.

"Would you be upset if I said it was a bit more than a chat?" Maybe she'd feel better if she knew; he didn't like avoiding the whole truth with her anyway. It felt like something he did too often with everyone else to do it with her, too.

"Thin ice, Sallow."

"Just a chat, then."

"You don't have to protect me anymore. You know that right?"

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