Chapter 1 : I hate you.

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Kyle's pov
My alarm went off and I hit it with my hand. I slowly got out of my bed and stepped on to the floor. I check my phone for new messages.

Ticking time bomb(tweek) : hey you alive???

Me:Yes, I'm alive

I put my phone down and start getting dressed; then I realize that it is 5:00 am and school opens at 7:45, great 2 hours. I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth and brush my curly a$s hair. After I brush my hair and teeth, I walk out of my room and down to the kitchen. I grab a pop tart and start eating it and as I'm eating it, I hear Butters (you know because of my other story) wake up and start to get ready. Butters came downstairs with his backpack. We started to talk and we decided to play video games to kill time. It was about 6:30am so we decided to walk to the bus stop. We stopped at the bus stop and of course Stan fucking Marsh and his shitty ass girlfriend came soon after. We stood there and I decided to text nexus.

Me: Hey you awake?

Moonbite(nexus): Yes I'm awake and I'm heading out the door ok?

Me: ok<3

As I finished texting Nexus, the bus arrived, and we all got on. I sat in the back of the bus with Butters, while Stan and his girlfriend sat in the front. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through social media, occasionally chatting with Butters.

About halfway through the bus ride, Nexus texted me again:

Moonbite (Nexus): Hey, I'm here! Where are you guys?

Me: We're on the bus. We'll be at school soon.

Moonbite (Nexus): Cool, I'll see you guys there.

I put my phone away and continued chatting with Butters until we arrived at school. As we got off the bus, I saw Nexus waiting for us at the entrance. We greeted each other and headed inside, ready to start the day. I may have to admit that nexus was hot but I don't think he is into boys but you never know. Nexus had jet black hair with one brown and one blue eyes. He had given me a hoodie for my birthday last year and I still wear it to this day. Plus I learned how to stitch fabric and other materials so I can fix it, just in case it rips. The hoodie was a blueish - greenish kinda color with a split smiley face and a sad face. I went to my locker. I put my backpack down and grabbed and put away my books that I needed. The bell rang and I walked to my first class, chemistry. I sit down in the classroom and I was the first one there and with my free time, I started to draw the students walking in. Then one came in with a blue and red hat, fucking Stan. Stan and 3 other football players had walked in and Stan had sat behind me. Stan had started pulling my hair." Stanley kennth marsh!" The teacher had yelled when she saw him pulling on my hair."fuck you" Stan muttered under his breath.I didn't care about him anymore so I turned my attention to the teacher and what she was teaching was something i already knew about. I grabbed my phone and started texting butters.

Me: hey you alive over there?

Flower boy(butters): yes just bored out of my mind, what about u?

Me: bored as fuck.

"Mr. Broflovski?" I look up and the teacher was staring at me."yes?" I answer. "You may already know the material but you know not to have you phone out." She said."yes ma'am" I said and then started staring at the board.


The bell had rang and I had gotten up and left.i went to my locker and was jump-scared by Bebe. "Jesus fuck!" I yelled and she looked at me."You good bro?" She asked me. "Probably not" I answered back. "Oh ok.well I'll see you lunch? She said. "Yes see you!" I said while sprinting to my next class.

[ author's notes]
Ok so I have got a "few" new cast characters for this story but they will show up in the next couple chapters.

Word count: 732

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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