Chapter 34

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Poppy and I stood above the little niffler baby in the court yard. Snow had now completely blanketed the entire region. Poppy in her snow jacket and I in Sebastian's again because I hadn't gone to get my own yet. Not that I really wanted too.

"That... is definitely the niffler pup that is constantly around the Graphorn." Poppy muttered as she lifted the baby in one hand.

It's fur was black and white. Some coins and a few necklaces were falling out of its pouch. It breathed heavy after we had chased it through the school.

Break starts tomorrow and luckily most students had already gone home. Ominis had been the only one of the four of us to go home. Poppy was staying because her grandmother was off out of country looking for a certain beast. Sebastian had no where really to go. And I was basically just disowned by my family.

Since most of the students had gone not many had seen Poppy and I embarrassingly trip over our selves after the niffler.

"Had we named him yet?" I asked, begging to take his stolen goods away from him.

"I'm thinking, Daniel." Poppy nodded.

"Daniel? Why?" I asked confused.

"Not sure, just fits."

I shrugged not really seeing why that couldn't be his name.

"I just hope if he somehow got out that doesn't mean-" as if perfectly timed there was a loud crashing sound.

Poppy and I spun towards the doors as we see students begging to run out from the great hall screaming. "Oh dear.." poppy sighed as we both ran towards the crashing.

As we pushed past all the students Sebastian was already in there standing next to a very stressed Deek.

"What happened? How did she get out?" I asked the house elf.

"Deek isn't sure. Deek knew she'd been somehow switching vivariums but today when Deek went to feed everyone Fluffy rushed Deek and got out."

Deek reached his hand up like he was going to hit himself but I caught his hand before he could. "She has been acting up lately. Let me calm her down. Poppy will you go grab my brown bag so I can put her away?" Poppy nodded and ran out of the room after handing, the newly named, Daniel to Sebastian, who held the niffler like a toy in one hand.

I walked over to the Graphorn as she flipped the Ravenclaw tables. She seemed stressed. Her breathing was very heavy.

"Fluffy?" I asked softly. She stopped for a moment and turned to look at me. "You okay honey?"

I thought I'd gotten through to her but she suddenly began charging at me, "oh boy." I yelled before casting protego and making her bounce off of me.

That made her angrier. As she began charging at me again I dropped down to one knee as if to bow like the first time I met her.

Sebastian began to yell my name but I held up and hand to stop him as the Graphorn stopped in front of me. As she stood still I finally saw what was causing her discomfort.

"My goodness," I reached down  and pulled a long red feather that seemed have penetrated the skin on her front foot. "It seems you got one of the Phoenix's feather in you foot." I put the feather in my pocket and then fluffy let look at her foot. "I think it was just the one."

She grumbled and rubbed her face on me. I could hear students all sigh in relief as they watched her calm down.  "Those are incredibly Sharp i told you to be careful."

"Ava La Fey!" I tried to hide my face more in to the Graphorn as Professor Weasley bursted into the great hall. "What in Merlin's beard have you done?"

Without answering I used my wand and starting fixing anything broken. Poppy ran in with the brown bag and slid to a stop as she saw the professor.

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now