Chapter 1

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Dan's P.O.V

I woke up to hear my alarm clock. I hit the alarm clock eagerly and got dressed.

"Eager much?" Asked P.J walking in.

"Shut up! Like you aren't." I said jokingly.

"I am. Just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one." he said and sat in my bed. His brown curled hair was bouncing around. His green eyes looked a little dull.

(A/N:If anyone's confused he gets his green eyes from his dad and let's say his dad has green eyes!)

"Tired too aren't you?" I asked. He nodded. We were all tiered because all summer we went around to pack houses looking for our mates.

No one.

We hoped our mates would be found at school.

"Ready?" Asked Lizzie ducking into my room. We all got up and went down stairs.

"Morning kids." Said Mum and Dad as we sat down to eat the eggs and bacon Mum cooked. When we finished eating we had to leave.

"Be carful and good luck." said my mum as we drove off. P.J had a car so he was driving as Lizzie and I sat in the back since 'we were arguing like pups' as P.J said over the front seat.

"We're here." said P.J parking the car and we got out.

"Don't forget, meet at the fountain during breaks. Good luck." I said as we all parted for classes. I sat in the back of class waiting for lesson to start.

A few minutes later a girl with black hair and bright blue eyes walked in. I felt like I needed her, like she was important but, not for me. Like she was for someone else but, she was included In My life. And it hurt my chest.

"Is this seat taken?" Asked a kid that walked in.

"Yes. Sorry." I said. The girl looked like she was having the same problem. I motioned her over to the seat next to me like we knew each other. She smiled and sat next to me.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully as most of the kids in class were watching.

"Hey... Dan." she said as she saw my name on my binder.

"Wow, you can't even remember your friends name. Rude." I said as all of the kids looked away.

"Thank you." she whispered to me as she sat down.

"Are you okay? You seem in pain a little." I said.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing. I'm Kitty." she said.

"So Kitty, tell me about your self." I said.

"Well, this is gonna make me sound crazy but, I feel like your important in my life. Not in 'We will get married and have 5 kids and move in to the country' kind of way. As in, you are important to someone important to me." she said kinda quickly.

"I feel the same way!" I said.

"Hello class. I'm Mrs.Whitaker . I will be your English teacher. I will be giving you a project and its to get to know your table mate because, you will be partners with this person for all your projects." Said the teacher.

She allowed us to begin.

"Well, my full name is Kitty Isabel Lester. I have two brothers. One is my adopted brother and my other is my twin but, we consider our self's triplets. I'm also 18 years old and I am thirsty right now." she said.

"My full name is Daniel James Howell. I'm also 18 years old and have a brother and sister. We are triplets. My brother was a long lost brother but, it counts and I am hungry right now." I said.

How we found each other... But there's a catch (Phan A/U)Where stories live. Discover now